Oliver Marčeta - Avantgarde film (00:05:18)
Računalniško producirane črte - vertikalne in horizontalne, sinhrono z glasbo prekrivajo površino ekrana. Glasba spominja na odrezavo pihanje vetra, ki je silovito in se stopnjuje, črte pa se z njo redčijo in gostijo - ekspresivno.
DIVA repetition
61 results in works
Neven Korda - Poppers (0:04:57)
Subtitle: Iz kompilacije glasbenih spotov skupine Borghesia
Production: FV Video ; compilation, 1989
Video supports the song Peppers by multimedia group Borghesia with its technique and content. Experimental animation synchronized with the sound outlines an urban landscape and inserts symbols and stereotyping pop gay icons. Techno electronic score, song lyrics and visual support refer to commercialized representation of gays in pop culture and their sexuality as cold, instinctive and automatized. Video is characterized by vivid colour scheme, comic book characters, collage and psychedelic editing. (DIVA)&n...
Subtitle: Iz kompilacije glasbenih spotov skupine Borghesia
Production: FV Video ; compilation, 1989
Video supports the song Peppers by multimedia group Borghesia with its technique and content. Experimental animation synchronized with the sound outlines an urban landscape and inserts symbols and stereotyping pop gay icons. Techno electronic score, song lyrics and visual support refer to commercialized representation of gays in pop culture and their sexuality as cold, instinctive and automatized. Video is characterized by vivid colour scheme, comic book characters, collage and psychedelic editing. (DIVA)&n...
Duba Sambolec - Code I (04:34)
Subtitle: NoHomeVideos©
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2000
Video is based on a cliché automatized everyday fraises, which are told to each other by the performers. Unfocused close-up stays unchanged and additionally stresses unclearness and dullness of the conversation. NoHomeVideos© are 14 video performances, first presented at the International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women in Ljubljana (2000), in which the author is dealing with the experience of being manipulated by the agents of power and control. Performances stress the...
Subtitle: NoHomeVideos©
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2000
Video is based on a cliché automatized everyday fraises, which are told to each other by the performers. Unfocused close-up stays unchanged and additionally stresses unclearness and dullness of the conversation. NoHomeVideos© are 14 video performances, first presented at the International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women in Ljubljana (2000), in which the author is dealing with the experience of being manipulated by the agents of power and control. Performances stress the...
Duba Sambolec - Code II (01:32)
Subtitle: NoHomeVideos©
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2000
Video captures the author in a medium close-up, while she repeats the sentence "repeat after me" in calm authoritative voice. The absurd coming from the repeating demand to repeat stresses the fact of how often and repeating this demand is in individual's everyday life. NoHomeVideos© are 14 video performances, first presented at the International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women in Ljubljana (2000), in which the author is dealing with the experience of being manipulated by the...
Subtitle: NoHomeVideos©
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2000
Video captures the author in a medium close-up, while she repeats the sentence "repeat after me" in calm authoritative voice. The absurd coming from the repeating demand to repeat stresses the fact of how often and repeating this demand is in individual's everyday life. NoHomeVideos© are 14 video performances, first presented at the International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women in Ljubljana (2000), in which the author is dealing with the experience of being manipulated by the...
Duba Sambolec - Code III (03:49)
Subtitle: NoHomeVideos©
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2000
Video is composed of one long static extreme close-up of the author, while she repeats a completely trivial, common and consequently devalued request. Static and unfocused shot stresses the dullness of the sentence. NoHomeVideos© are 14 video performances, first presented at the International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women in Ljubljana (2000), in which the author is dealing with the experience of being manipulated by the agents of power and control. Performances stress the po...
Subtitle: NoHomeVideos©
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2000
Video is composed of one long static extreme close-up of the author, while she repeats a completely trivial, common and consequently devalued request. Static and unfocused shot stresses the dullness of the sentence. NoHomeVideos© are 14 video performances, first presented at the International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women in Ljubljana (2000), in which the author is dealing with the experience of being manipulated by the agents of power and control. Performances stress the po...
Duba Sambolec - Code IV (18:31)
Subtitle: NoHomeVideos©
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2000
Video is based on a cliché automatized everyday fraises, which are told to each other by the performers. Unfocused close-up stays unchanged and additionally stresses unclearness and dullness of the conversation. NoHomeVideos© are 14 video performances, first presented at the International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women in Ljubljana (2000), in which the author is dealing with the experience of being manipulated by the agents of power and control. Performances stress the...
Subtitle: NoHomeVideos©
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2000
Video is based on a cliché automatized everyday fraises, which are told to each other by the performers. Unfocused close-up stays unchanged and additionally stresses unclearness and dullness of the conversation. NoHomeVideos© are 14 video performances, first presented at the International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women in Ljubljana (2000), in which the author is dealing with the experience of being manipulated by the agents of power and control. Performances stress the...
Duba Sambolec - Conversion (24:53)
Subtitle: NoHomeVideos©
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2000
Video performance is set inside an empty space in which the author moves with a blind over her eyes and a gun in her hands. She repeats a sentence "I don't exist" and occasionally shoots her gun. The space goes dark in the middle of the video. Over the video a sign "I always forget!." appears twice. NoHomeVideos© are 14 video performances, first presented at the International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women in Ljubljana (2000), in which the author is dealing with the experienc...
Subtitle: NoHomeVideos©
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2000
Video performance is set inside an empty space in which the author moves with a blind over her eyes and a gun in her hands. She repeats a sentence "I don't exist" and occasionally shoots her gun. The space goes dark in the middle of the video. Over the video a sign "I always forget!." appears twice. NoHomeVideos© are 14 video performances, first presented at the International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women in Ljubljana (2000), in which the author is dealing with the experienc...
Duba Sambolec - Collectors #4 (12:02)
Subtitle: *Revisited*
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2003/2005
Paralelni sliki sta postavljeni na ozadje vojaškega vzorca. Na vsaki od projekcij je ena izmed performerk. Nataša Skušek skozi celoten video opravlja naporne vaje za telesno moč. Oblečena je v črno opravo, ki spominja na zaščitno obleko ameriških nogometašev. Enako obleko si Duba Sambolec počasi nadane in razlaga posamezne kose oprave, na primer: »Pas za zaščito genitalij«. Med oblačenjem sedi, kadi, pije in se pogovarja z nevidno osebo o z...
Subtitle: *Revisited*
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2003/2005
Paralelni sliki sta postavljeni na ozadje vojaškega vzorca. Na vsaki od projekcij je ena izmed performerk. Nataša Skušek skozi celoten video opravlja naporne vaje za telesno moč. Oblečena je v črno opravo, ki spominja na zaščitno obleko ameriških nogometašev. Enako obleko si Duba Sambolec počasi nadane in razlaga posamezne kose oprave, na primer: »Pas za zaščito genitalij«. Med oblačenjem sedi, kadi, pije in se pogovarja z nevidno osebo o z...
Alenka Pirman - Close Your Eyes and Watch (0:00:47 zanka / loop)
Subtitle: Silent Lecture
Production: Društvo za domače raziskave / Domestic Research Society, SCCA-Ljubljana, 2006
The work isn't a video but an infinite repeating of a PowerPoint presentation, which became a way of presenting knowledge in the academic and commercial world. The author rethought or rather hacked this presentation format with a linear narrative structure and textual sequence which is a part of hegemony of institutional knowledge. She cancelled linearity with a demand repeat, which makes the lecture infinite. Ideological content was annulled with usage of basic matrix of the programme. The artist searched...
Subtitle: Silent Lecture
Production: Društvo za domače raziskave / Domestic Research Society, SCCA-Ljubljana, 2006
The work isn't a video but an infinite repeating of a PowerPoint presentation, which became a way of presenting knowledge in the academic and commercial world. The author rethought or rather hacked this presentation format with a linear narrative structure and textual sequence which is a part of hegemony of institutional knowledge. She cancelled linearity with a demand repeat, which makes the lecture infinite. Ideological content was annulled with usage of basic matrix of the programme. The artist searched...
Goran Devide - Sovražnik (0:04:28)
Production: Škuc-Forum, FV video, 1984
Computer animation is a music video for a song by group Borghesia. The author uses formally simple animation, which due to light line on a blue surface, creates an illusion of depth. Strong contrast functions aggressively. Animated anthropomorphic figures move together and one against the other, but there is always tension between them. The animation is author's interpretation of estranged and shallow civilization. ------- Borghesia (1983 - 1939) was a multimedia group (concert performance, video...
Production: Škuc-Forum, FV video, 1984
Computer animation is a music video for a song by group Borghesia. The author uses formally simple animation, which due to light line on a blue surface, creates an illusion of depth. Strong contrast functions aggressively. Animated anthropomorphic figures move together and one against the other, but there is always tension between them. The animation is author's interpretation of estranged and shallow civilization. ------- Borghesia (1983 - 1939) was a multimedia group (concert performance, video...