Zemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda - Within Four Walls (00:33:17)
Production: ZANK, VPK & TV Slovenija, 1999
A documentary Within Four Walls (orig. Med štirimi stenami) problematizes violence towards women through stories of those who ran away from it and found help in shelters. With covered faces they speak about years of abuse, violence, rape and loneliness. Film includes scenes from the shelter for women and children - victims of violence, shots filmed in social work centres and in groups for nonviolent communication which help men change their violent behaviour. Historians and anthropologists share thei...
DIVA wall
4 results in works
Ana Čigon - Perspective (00:05:07)
Subtitle: Video Installation
Production: Ana Čigon, Galerija Alkatraz, 2010
Delo je enokanalni video, ki združuje dokumentacijo večkanalne videoinstalacije v galeriji Alkatraz z originalnimi posnetki. Performans za video je bil predhodno posnet v prostorih galerije in nato predstavljen na treh dvo-kanalnih projekcijah v zanki. V videu se izmenjujejo posnetki prostorske postavitve z originali, ki so sestavljeni tako, da je znotraj enega kadra več posnetkov, ki simulirajo prostorsko postavitev. Video spominja na delo One more kick iz leta 2009, vendar ni njegovo nadaljevanje, am...
Subtitle: Video Installation
Production: Ana Čigon, Galerija Alkatraz, 2010
Delo je enokanalni video, ki združuje dokumentacijo večkanalne videoinstalacije v galeriji Alkatraz z originalnimi posnetki. Performans za video je bil predhodno posnet v prostorih galerije in nato predstavljen na treh dvo-kanalnih projekcijah v zanki. V videu se izmenjujejo posnetki prostorske postavitve z originali, ki so sestavljeni tako, da je znotraj enega kadra več posnetkov, ki simulirajo prostorsko postavitev. Video spominja na delo One more kick iz leta 2009, vendar ni njegovo nadaljevanje, am...
Urška Djukić - PERSISTENCE vol. 2 (00:01:19)
Production: 2015
Experimental video is a part of Persistence Series that deal with persistence of nature and man in everlastingly exchange of power.
Production: 2015
Experimental video is a part of Persistence Series that deal with persistence of nature and man in everlastingly exchange of power.
Đejmi Hadrović - Crossing Borders (00:04:47)
Production: V.A.T., 2015
In the video performance the artists stands in an empty space in front of a wall. A projected text in English is being written over her body: "I am a Muslim I am a Muslim I am a Muslim ...". The statement is repeated until it fills the entire wall. The artist stands quietly, she has a loosely wrapped scarf around her head, and smokes a cigarette. After some time she removes the scarf and starts loudly declaring "I am a Muslim". She repeats the statement with various affirmative intonations. When the text co...
Production: V.A.T., 2015
In the video performance the artists stands in an empty space in front of a wall. A projected text in English is being written over her body: "I am a Muslim I am a Muslim I am a Muslim ...". The statement is repeated until it fills the entire wall. The artist stands quietly, she has a loosely wrapped scarf around her head, and smokes a cigarette. After some time she removes the scarf and starts loudly declaring "I am a Muslim". She repeats the statement with various affirmative intonations. When the text co...