Duba Sambolec - Conversion (24:53)
Subtitle: NoHomeVideos©
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2000
Video performance is set inside an empty space in which the author moves with a blind over her eyes and a gun in her hands. She repeats a sentence "I don't exist" and occasionally shoots her gun. The space goes dark in the middle of the video. Over the video a sign "I always forget!." appears twice.
NoHomeVideos© are 14 video performances, first presented at the International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women in Ljubljana (2000), in which the author is dealing with the experienc...
DIVA critique
35 results in works
Sašo Sedlaček - Veliki izklop / The Big Switch Off (00:01:48)
Production: Aksioma, 2011
The Big Switch Off is a part of Supertrash exhibition in which the artist problematizes mass destruction of worn out technological equipment and the dumping of it in the third world countries. In the video in question, characterized by a utopian touch, we follow opening and closing of windows of a big apartment building through which some of the tenants throw out cathodic TV receivers. The video gives a comment about introducing digital signal, which replaced the analogue one and as a result the devices, wh...
Production: Aksioma, 2011
The Big Switch Off is a part of Supertrash exhibition in which the artist problematizes mass destruction of worn out technological equipment and the dumping of it in the third world countries. In the video in question, characterized by a utopian touch, we follow opening and closing of windows of a big apartment building through which some of the tenants throw out cathodic TV receivers. The video gives a comment about introducing digital signal, which replaced the analogue one and as a result the devices, wh...
Evelin Stermitz - Women in War (00:03:05)
Production: E.S., 2010
The artist has compiled a collage of stereotypical images of attractive women, which she found with the search tag 'women' on YouTube. The audio background is made of various reports of violence against women during wars and conflicts. A red-black color combination of the video symbolizes bloody and pornographic violence against the female body.
Production: E.S., 2010
The artist has compiled a collage of stereotypical images of attractive women, which she found with the search tag 'women' on YouTube. The audio background is made of various reports of violence against women during wars and conflicts. A red-black color combination of the video symbolizes bloody and pornographic violence against the female body.
Evelin Stermitz - The Art of Aging (00:03:29)
Production: E.S., 2011
A black and white video shows the artist's portrait against a white background. With the help of a exaggerated make-up, which creates more and more age lines on the face and neck, the artist criticizes the exploitment of a youth-obsessed culture by cosmetics industry. Names of the rejuvenating and anti-age creams and related products are scrolling at the bottom. They are red out loud by a slow and distorted voice.
Production: E.S., 2011
A black and white video shows the artist's portrait against a white background. With the help of a exaggerated make-up, which creates more and more age lines on the face and neck, the artist criticizes the exploitment of a youth-obsessed culture by cosmetics industry. Names of the rejuvenating and anti-age creams and related products are scrolling at the bottom. They are red out loud by a slow and distorted voice.
Andreja Džakušič - Celje, my city (00:04:23)
Production: 2005
The video is a photo slide show documentation of the 'Celje, my city' action in public space which was part of the Admission Free festival in Celje, 2005. Similar to a well know action of the Belgrade based collective Škart (Your Shit - Your Responsibility) the artist stuck little flags into dog excrements in Celje City Park. On the flags was city's coat of arms and caption 'Celje, my city'.
Production: 2005
The video is a photo slide show documentation of the 'Celje, my city' action in public space which was part of the Admission Free festival in Celje, 2005. Similar to a well know action of the Belgrade based collective Škart (Your Shit - Your Responsibility) the artist stuck little flags into dog excrements in Celje City Park. On the flags was city's coat of arms and caption 'Celje, my city'.
Andreja Džakušič - Survival Tactics (00:42:40)
Production: 2011
Umetnice in umetniki spregovorijo o načinih preživetja, svojem težkem ekonomskem položaju in produkcijskih pogojih na področju sodobne vizualne umetnosti. Avtorica ohrani anonimnost sodelujočih s postavitvijo kamere na tla prostora, v katerem poteka pogovor. Video je bil predvajan na bienalni razstavi Jaz, tukaj, zdaj: pogled na likovno umetnost Slovenije 6 leta 2011.
Production: 2011
Umetnice in umetniki spregovorijo o načinih preživetja, svojem težkem ekonomskem položaju in produkcijskih pogojih na področju sodobne vizualne umetnosti. Avtorica ohrani anonimnost sodelujočih s postavitvijo kamere na tla prostora, v katerem poteka pogovor. Video je bil predvajan na bienalni razstavi Jaz, tukaj, zdaj: pogled na likovno umetnost Slovenije 6 leta 2011.
Ana Čigon - Remembering the Others (00:45:54)
Production: Ana Čigon, Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art, Prishtina - Kosovo, Mestna galerija Ljubljana, 2015
Remembering the Others is a documentary about the meaning and power of public monuments. In the film students, artists, theoreticians and activists from Prishtina, Kosovo talk about the meaning of monuments. Which people have the privilege to be represented in monuments? Why there are almost no monuments dedicated to women in Kosovo? Which other people (marginalized groups) and stories are excluded in such monuments? The film states that if the (hi)stories of marginalized groups are hushed, and the (hi)stor...
Production: Ana Čigon, Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art, Prishtina - Kosovo, Mestna galerija Ljubljana, 2015
Remembering the Others is a documentary about the meaning and power of public monuments. In the film students, artists, theoreticians and activists from Prishtina, Kosovo talk about the meaning of monuments. Which people have the privilege to be represented in monuments? Why there are almost no monuments dedicated to women in Kosovo? Which other people (marginalized groups) and stories are excluded in such monuments? The film states that if the (hi)stories of marginalized groups are hushed, and the (hi)stor...
Ana Čigon - OHOHO (00:01:30)
Production: Ana Čigon, 2015
Video se začne s posvetilom vsem organizatoricam in organizatorjem razstav, ki ne izplačujejo razstavnin. V ozadju se slišijo nerazločni glasovi različnih ljudi in blag ropot. Hrup spominja na zvoke z odprtja razstave. Posvetilo izgine, hrup se počasi poleže in v kader vstopi prst. Gledamo lutkovno predstavo, kjer gol kazalec, brez vseh rekvizitov, nadomešča lutko. Prvi nagovori druga dva in izkaže se, da gre za dirigenta in dva pevca tik pred nastopom. Po zvočnem znaku s taktirko sledi uvodni ug...
Production: Ana Čigon, 2015
Video se začne s posvetilom vsem organizatoricam in organizatorjem razstav, ki ne izplačujejo razstavnin. V ozadju se slišijo nerazločni glasovi različnih ljudi in blag ropot. Hrup spominja na zvoke z odprtja razstave. Posvetilo izgine, hrup se počasi poleže in v kader vstopi prst. Gledamo lutkovno predstavo, kjer gol kazalec, brez vseh rekvizitov, nadomešča lutko. Prvi nagovori druga dva in izkaže se, da gre za dirigenta in dva pevca tik pred nastopom. Po zvočnem znaku s taktirko sledi uvodni ug...
Valérie Wolf Gang - Artist Sleeping on The Street (trailer) (03:00:00 (00:01:06))
Production: Co-production: Famul VideoLab, 2013
"Artist Sleeping on The Street" is a one channel video installation. LCD screen was put on the street of Belgium city Arlon and left there for couple of hours: the real time of the video in which the artist is sleeping. The goal of the video installation was to test the public for two things: firstly if they can notice a small detail on the street and secondly if they would stop and look at the artist sleeping or if they would turn their back on it. The result of the first test was expected but al...
Production: Co-production: Famul VideoLab, 2013
"Artist Sleeping on The Street" is a one channel video installation. LCD screen was put on the street of Belgium city Arlon and left there for couple of hours: the real time of the video in which the artist is sleeping. The goal of the video installation was to test the public for two things: firstly if they can notice a small detail on the street and secondly if they would stop and look at the artist sleeping or if they would turn their back on it. The result of the first test was expected but al...
Valérie Wolf Gang - The Luxembourg Monster (00:10:05)
Production: 2013
"The Luxembourg monster" is a video installation which combines different artistic techniques (graffiti, video, sound). It is also an art piece which plays with the perception of the public: What is the actual monster in the installation? Artists Valerie Wolf Gang researches new surroundings and culture in Luxembourg and questions locals about the personal and economic problems they face in their country. As a representative democracy with a constitutional monarch, Luxembourg is headed by...
Production: 2013
"The Luxembourg monster" is a video installation which combines different artistic techniques (graffiti, video, sound). It is also an art piece which plays with the perception of the public: What is the actual monster in the installation? Artists Valerie Wolf Gang researches new surroundings and culture in Luxembourg and questions locals about the personal and economic problems they face in their country. As a representative democracy with a constitutional monarch, Luxembourg is headed by...