Marko A. Kovačič, Kolja Saksida - Lab Party (00:04:37)
Production: Forum Ljubljana / ZVVIKS production, 2003
Lab Party is a story about the cloning and genetic mechanical mutation of living beings after the year 2227. The setting is a laboratory where laboratory technician Plastos encounters problems and runs into a malfunction. He tries to solve the issue to no avail when a passer-by effectively solves the problem.
All the animations that are connected to Marko A. Kovačič’s artistic practice are the result of authorial collaboration between animator Koljo Saksida and artist Marko A. Kovačič, author of...
DIVA animation
42 results in works
Marko A. Kovačič, Kolja Saksida - Svetla prihodnost: Plastos Fedor pomaga / Bright Future: Plastos Fedor Assists (00:05:55)
Production: Forum Ljubljana / Zwiks production, 2003
In the year 2119 inside a base camp of Plastoses in the Saratov area a doctor is creating a fast Plastos Fesor to cope with the radioactive Kyrgyz steppe. The animations that are connected to Marko A. Kovačič’s artistic practice are the result of authorial collaboration between animator Koljo Saksida and artist Marko A. Kovačič, author of the fictional post-apocalyptic Civilization of Plastos. They are characterized by the combination of computer graphics or mechanical stop-motion animation and p...
Production: Forum Ljubljana / Zwiks production, 2003
In the year 2119 inside a base camp of Plastoses in the Saratov area a doctor is creating a fast Plastos Fesor to cope with the radioactive Kyrgyz steppe. The animations that are connected to Marko A. Kovačič’s artistic practice are the result of authorial collaboration between animator Koljo Saksida and artist Marko A. Kovačič, author of the fictional post-apocalyptic Civilization of Plastos. They are characterized by the combination of computer graphics or mechanical stop-motion animation and p...
Duba Sambolec - Airport Revisited (01:19)
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2004
Video deals with conjugation of a sentence "I am the center" in a form of animated red text circling over the screen. The animation warns us that repeating paroles are a productive tool for political indoctrination, profit marketing and the seeming satisfaction of the needs and wants created by the market. The video has no sound.NoHomeVideos© video performances, altogether created 14 by the author, are dealing with the experience of being manipulated by the agents of power and control. Performances str...
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2004
Video deals with conjugation of a sentence "I am the center" in a form of animated red text circling over the screen. The animation warns us that repeating paroles are a productive tool for political indoctrination, profit marketing and the seeming satisfaction of the needs and wants created by the market. The video has no sound.NoHomeVideos© video performances, altogether created 14 by the author, are dealing with the experience of being manipulated by the agents of power and control. Performances str...
Katjuša Kovačič - Seeking Balance (00:08:40)
Production: Mesto žensk / City of Women, 2009
The author, Katjuša Kovačič, in her movement debut, Seeking Balance, seeks balance in a moving, expressive, cultural, and gravitational sense; she is trying to connect different entities into a whole, and in this manner to create a story of co-existence, transition, and complementation.
Production: Mesto žensk / City of Women, 2009
The author, Katjuša Kovačič, in her movement debut, Seeking Balance, seeks balance in a moving, expressive, cultural, and gravitational sense; she is trying to connect different entities into a whole, and in this manner to create a story of co-existence, transition, and complementation.
Katjuša Kovačič - Dynamic Balance (trailer) (00:54:30)
Production: 2015
A show of physical theatre exploring the ideas of Nikola Tesla from early 20th century, by skipping over differences the performers represent a live motor. The performers explore the co-dependence of mass and energy. They seek balance and apply various means of expression to their movement, ranging from contemporary dance, acrobatics, capoeira, Chinese dance, physical and street theatre. The interaction between opposites creates the force of the collective engine. The sound also comes from two sources: t...
Production: 2015
A show of physical theatre exploring the ideas of Nikola Tesla from early 20th century, by skipping over differences the performers represent a live motor. The performers explore the co-dependence of mass and energy. They seek balance and apply various means of expression to their movement, ranging from contemporary dance, acrobatics, capoeira, Chinese dance, physical and street theatre. The interaction between opposites creates the force of the collective engine. The sound also comes from two sources: t...
Neven Korda - Discipline (00:03:45)
Subtitle: Iz kompilacije glasbenih spotov skupine Borghesia Iz kompilacije glasbenih spotov skupine Borghesia
Production: FV Video, Brut, VS Video / Forum, E-motion film, TV Slovenija & PIAS, Ljubljana, 1989
A layering of music video images onto planes creates a feeling of saturation with techno-culture and ends up with the feeling of anxiety in emptiness. The architecture emerges as an icon within the social-political collage. ...[from Interview with Neven Korda / Broghesia on video Discipline _ see link for more] This video is a part of "The Triumph of Desire", a compilation of Borghesia music video clips (Document, G.U.M., Poppers, Triptych Futurists, No Hope No Fear, Discipline, Mud, She, Vence...
Subtitle: Iz kompilacije glasbenih spotov skupine Borghesia Iz kompilacije glasbenih spotov skupine Borghesia
Production: FV Video, Brut, VS Video / Forum, E-motion film, TV Slovenija & PIAS, Ljubljana, 1989
A layering of music video images onto planes creates a feeling of saturation with techno-culture and ends up with the feeling of anxiety in emptiness. The architecture emerges as an icon within the social-political collage. ...[from Interview with Neven Korda / Broghesia on video Discipline _ see link for more] This video is a part of "The Triumph of Desire", a compilation of Borghesia music video clips (Document, G.U.M., Poppers, Triptych Futurists, No Hope No Fear, Discipline, Mud, She, Vence...
Yuliya Molina - Some-body (00:03:50)
Production: Zavod APIS, 2015
Video je nastal v okviru projekta kratkih filmov 'Equality in Focus' v produkciji Zavoda Apis. Projekt usposabljanja na področju družbeno angažirane video produkcije pod mentorstvom Romane Zajec je bil zasnovan z namenom preseganja stereotipov in krepitve vloge in moči migrantskih in romskih žensk. Ena od udeleženk je bila tudi umetnica Yuliya Molina. Video je posnet v tehniki stop-motion animacije, v njem nastopa avtorica in uporablja različne rekvizite, njen glas slišimo v ozadju. O...
Production: Zavod APIS, 2015
Video je nastal v okviru projekta kratkih filmov 'Equality in Focus' v produkciji Zavoda Apis. Projekt usposabljanja na področju družbeno angažirane video produkcije pod mentorstvom Romane Zajec je bil zasnovan z namenom preseganja stereotipov in krepitve vloge in moči migrantskih in romskih žensk. Ena od udeleženk je bila tudi umetnica Yuliya Molina. Video je posnet v tehniki stop-motion animacije, v njem nastopa avtorica in uporablja različne rekvizite, njen glas slišimo v ozadju. O...
Neža Jurman - Morph (00:02:04)
Production: Nez Pez, 2016
Video je nastal za potrebe pri razstavi 'Morfoze', ki je bila izvedena julija 2016. Poimenovanje instalacije na razstavi izhaja iz angleške različice grške besede morph (glasovna predstavitev morfema, najmanjšega dela besede kot nosilca pomena). Kot inspiracijo sem jemala obdelovanje posameznih elementov animacije kot zlogovanje do končnega produkta videa, ki pa nima vnaprej določenega rezultata. Tako nastane eklektičen ambient, ki bazira na grajenju in razslojevanju. Vsaka ilustracija je r...
Production: Nez Pez, 2016
Video je nastal za potrebe pri razstavi 'Morfoze', ki je bila izvedena julija 2016. Poimenovanje instalacije na razstavi izhaja iz angleške različice grške besede morph (glasovna predstavitev morfema, najmanjšega dela besede kot nosilca pomena). Kot inspiracijo sem jemala obdelovanje posameznih elementov animacije kot zlogovanje do končnega produkta videa, ki pa nima vnaprej določenega rezultata. Tako nastane eklektičen ambient, ki bazira na grajenju in razslojevanju. Vsaka ilustracija je r...
Ana Čigon - Rebellious Essence (00:04:59)
Production: A.Č., 2017
A cat walks into the Office of the Ministry for Cat Affairs and requests for a passport. All goes pretty well until the female and male cat clerks demand to know the cat's sex. (Source: Ana Čigon)
Production: A.Č., 2017
A cat walks into the Office of the Ministry for Cat Affairs and requests for a passport. All goes pretty well until the female and male cat clerks demand to know the cat's sex. (Source: Ana Čigon)
Grega Mastnak - Prince Ki-Ki-Do (00:08:22 (odlomka, 00:02:01))
Subtitle: One hundred unhappy mushrooms,The swamp monster
Production: OZOR, zavod za gibljive slike, Ljubljana, 2013/14
In a dark forest on top of a stone tower lives a small chick known as Prince Ki-Ki-Do, who is a fearless fighter for the rights of the forest inhabitants and the tiny superhero of the animation series. Prince Ki-Ki-Do is accompanied with Tine and Bine, the two Asian tiger mosquitos, and Rosalia who is the playful wild piglet in flames of prepuberty. The first two four minute episodes of the animated cartoon series are One hundred unhappy mushrooms (2013) and The swamp monster (2014). In One hundred u...
Subtitle: One hundred unhappy mushrooms,The swamp monster
Production: OZOR, zavod za gibljive slike, Ljubljana, 2013/14
In a dark forest on top of a stone tower lives a small chick known as Prince Ki-Ki-Do, who is a fearless fighter for the rights of the forest inhabitants and the tiny superhero of the animation series. Prince Ki-Ki-Do is accompanied with Tine and Bine, the two Asian tiger mosquitos, and Rosalia who is the playful wild piglet in flames of prepuberty. The first two four minute episodes of the animated cartoon series are One hundred unhappy mushrooms (2013) and The swamp monster (2014). In One hundred u...