Klon:Art:Resistance, Miha Dovžan - Klon Art (00:02:43)
Subtitle: Prispevek v oddaji Studio City
Production: TV Slovenija
Dokumentarni prispevek o skupini grafitarjev in uličnih umetnikov KlonArt. Dokumentarni prispevek TV Slovenija (oddaja Studio City), ki ga v slogu skupine KlonArt odlikuje dinamična kamera in hitra menjava kadrov. Predstavitvenemu tekstu so dodani posnetki grafitarskih akcij skupine v Ljubljani.
DIVA anarchy
7 results in works
Mirko Simić - Parfum de la terre / Vonj po zemlji (00:25:02)
Production: VPK, KUD Etno karavana, 1997
The meeting of gipsies in Southern France.
Production: VPK, KUD Etno karavana, 1997
The meeting of gipsies in Southern France.
Zoran Srdić Janežič - Take a walk on the wild side (00:07:30)
Production: Zavod za sodobne umetnosti in kulture Gulag, 2010
Video je nastal s snemanjem zapuščenega prostora. Snemalec sprva opazuje okolje in nima interakcije s objekti. Potem pa se v bistvu video pretvori v animacijo, kjer razmetani objekti dobijo neki svoj ritem in novo življenje. Gledalec ima občutek, kot da se stvari same od sebe začenjajo urejati, in iz kaosa zapuščenega prostora nastajajo pravilni in včasih ponavljajoči se vzorci in ritmi.
Production: Zavod za sodobne umetnosti in kulture Gulag, 2010
Video je nastal s snemanjem zapuščenega prostora. Snemalec sprva opazuje okolje in nima interakcije s objekti. Potem pa se v bistvu video pretvori v animacijo, kjer razmetani objekti dobijo neki svoj ritem in novo življenje. Gledalec ima občutek, kot da se stvari same od sebe začenjajo urejati, in iz kaosa zapuščenega prostora nastajajo pravilni in včasih ponavljajoči se vzorci in ritmi.
Neven Korda, Dario Seraval, Zemira Alajbegović - A.R. (00:04:44)
Subtitle: Iz kompilacije glasbenih video spotov skupine Borghesia 'Tako mladi'
Production: FV Video, ŠKUC Forum, 1985
The video creates dynamics by combining positive and negative versions of urban subcultural happening. Traditional and alternative culture are in constant battle. The text of the song is simple, reduced to a repetition of words, which don't follow the structure of a sentence. Video presents an information abundance and fills in the economic text. (DIVA) Video is a part of "So Young", a compilation of the Borghesia music video clips (So Young, The Wild Bunch, He, Too Much Tension, Cindy, A.R., ZMR), issued...
Subtitle: Iz kompilacije glasbenih video spotov skupine Borghesia 'Tako mladi'
Production: FV Video, ŠKUC Forum, 1985
The video creates dynamics by combining positive and negative versions of urban subcultural happening. Traditional and alternative culture are in constant battle. The text of the song is simple, reduced to a repetition of words, which don't follow the structure of a sentence. Video presents an information abundance and fills in the economic text. (DIVA) Video is a part of "So Young", a compilation of the Borghesia music video clips (So Young, The Wild Bunch, He, Too Much Tension, Cindy, A.R., ZMR), issued...
Miha Mohorič - Barcelona 14N (00:04:43)
Production: Sagar Kolektiv, 2012
Observational documentary video of a massive anti-austerity strike in front of Barcelona Central Bank on 14th of November 2012.
Production: Sagar Kolektiv, 2012
Observational documentary video of a massive anti-austerity strike in front of Barcelona Central Bank on 14th of November 2012.
Marko A. Kovačič - Hruporona 2020. The Last Tunnel (3:21)
Production: Gibatorij, 2020
During the corona pandemic and forced isolation, Yevgenij Skavchenko, an expert in genetic mechanics and a fan of unusual sound phenomena, visits the Plastos' temporary residence in “Javka pri Rdeči zvezdi” (The Post at the Red Star). With the help of the hrupofon (bruitphone, noisemaker), a light-sound instrument, they perform the ritual of the cult of speed together.
Production: Gibatorij, 2020
During the corona pandemic and forced isolation, Yevgenij Skavchenko, an expert in genetic mechanics and a fan of unusual sound phenomena, visits the Plastos' temporary residence in “Javka pri Rdeči zvezdi” (The Post at the Red Star). With the help of the hrupofon (bruitphone, noisemaker), a light-sound instrument, they perform the ritual of the cult of speed together.