Zemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda - Within Four Walls (00:33:17)
Production: ZANK, VPK & TV Slovenija, 1999
A documentary Within Four Walls (orig. Med štirimi stenami) problematizes violence towards women through stories of those who ran away from it and found help in shelters. With covered faces they speak about years of abuse, violence, rape and loneliness. Film includes scenes from the shelter for women and children - victims of violence, shots filmed in social work centres and in groups for nonviolent communication which help men change their violent behaviour. Historians and anthropologists share thei...
DIVA addiction
7 results in works
SIVA, Andreja Džakušič, Simon Macuh, Iva Tratnik - McButo (00:30:39)
Production: Likovni salon Celje, 2011
S projektom obleka … človeka, ki je bil leta 2010 razstavljen v Likovnem salonu, je skupina dveh umetnic in umetnika raziskovala, v kolikšni meri obleka določa človekovo identiteto, koliko se s spremembo zunanje podobe spremeni odnos drugih. Za produkcijo razstave je neformalna skupina, ki so jo ustanovili ravno za razstavo obleka ... človeka, naredila serijo javnih intervencij, s katerimi so motili ustaljene oblačilne navade. Med drugim so se ukvarjali z nenavadnim pojavom specializiranih oblek, za...
Production: Likovni salon Celje, 2011
S projektom obleka … človeka, ki je bil leta 2010 razstavljen v Likovnem salonu, je skupina dveh umetnic in umetnika raziskovala, v kolikšni meri obleka določa človekovo identiteto, koliko se s spremembo zunanje podobe spremeni odnos drugih. Za produkcijo razstave je neformalna skupina, ki so jo ustanovili ravno za razstavo obleka ... človeka, naredila serijo javnih intervencij, s katerimi so motili ustaljene oblačilne navade. Med drugim so se ukvarjali z nenavadnim pojavom specializiranih oblek, za...
Miha Šubic - Brickloader (00:02:07)
Production: Famul Stuart, 2009
If you play Tetris game for too long, bricks can come alive and help you with your addiction. (Source: Miha Šubic)
Production: Famul Stuart, 2009
If you play Tetris game for too long, bricks can come alive and help you with your addiction. (Source: Miha Šubic)
Miha Šubic - Neverending knot (00:31:18)
Production: Filmsko društvo Film Factory, 2010
Caesar is a young professional forger of personal documents and concert tickets. Because of his fake ticket at the concert, Andy is being held by the police. He starts to blackmail Cezar with pictures, because he is determined that Caesar must bear the consequences. Cezar hires Kojot and Slavc to solve the problem. (Source: Miha Šubic)
Production: Filmsko društvo Film Factory, 2010
Caesar is a young professional forger of personal documents and concert tickets. Because of his fake ticket at the concert, Andy is being held by the police. He starts to blackmail Cezar with pictures, because he is determined that Caesar must bear the consequences. Cezar hires Kojot and Slavc to solve the problem. (Source: Miha Šubic)
Luksuz produkcija - Faust (03:48)
Production: Luksuz produkcija, 2017
A homeless man video diary. (Source: Luksuz produkcija) Video by Liudmila Kuzmina and Amadej Petan
Production: Luksuz produkcija, 2017
A homeless man video diary. (Source: Luksuz produkcija) Video by Liudmila Kuzmina and Amadej Petan
Francisco Tomsich - Lepa scena (19:45)
Subtitle: Silent Works
Production: Francisco Tomsich / Cirkulacija 2, 2020
Lepa scena (A Beautiful Scene) is part of the series of silent, usually monochrome video essays and meditations Silent Works, developed since 2016. These works dialogue with traditions of experimental documentary film, video art and early cinema and are primarily aimed to be projected on a large scale, often in groups and in dialogue with objects, installations and the space where they are shown. They are manipulations of Francisco Tomsich's own video diaries and sometimes integrate text, animations, d...
Subtitle: Silent Works
Production: Francisco Tomsich / Cirkulacija 2, 2020
Lepa scena (A Beautiful Scene) is part of the series of silent, usually monochrome video essays and meditations Silent Works, developed since 2016. These works dialogue with traditions of experimental documentary film, video art and early cinema and are primarily aimed to be projected on a large scale, often in groups and in dialogue with objects, installations and the space where they are shown. They are manipulations of Francisco Tomsich's own video diaries and sometimes integrate text, animations, d...