Jasna Hribernik, Zmago Lenardič - Elsa und Lohengrin (0:03:15)
Production: VPK, 1997
A variation on Wagner and his opera Lohengrin. There is no Wagnerian hero, but a ballerina dancing to the opera, which later transforms into a modern song, and the ballerina also turns into a modern dancer. Both dancers, however, resemble a woman covered with roses and lying under transparent plastic - Snow White, or Laura Palmer? (source: Videodokument)
DIVA artificial
11 results in works
Ema Kugler - Station 25 (00:30:08)
Production: Forum Ljubljana & VPK, 1997
The artist continues with her main preoccupations: the relationship between a man and a woman, the irruption of the mythical into the rituals of everyday life. The video film uses the numerous potentials of electronic manipulation of the picture. The finest scenes are those of "morphing" (electronic transformation), where a figure from a painted canvas turns into an identical figure on the video screen, or the latter "freezes" into a figure on a fixed picture. The artist once again insists on the real natur...
Production: Forum Ljubljana & VPK, 1997
The artist continues with her main preoccupations: the relationship between a man and a woman, the irruption of the mythical into the rituals of everyday life. The video film uses the numerous potentials of electronic manipulation of the picture. The finest scenes are those of "morphing" (electronic transformation), where a figure from a painted canvas turns into an identical figure on the video screen, or the latter "freezes" into a figure on a fixed picture. The artist once again insists on the real natur...
Ema Kugler - The Visitor (00:26:41)
Production: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana, VPK & Viba film, 1995
The artist insists on the duality of human nature: the same dreadfulness is part of both the mythical and the real world. The duality is explicitly presented by means of electronic effects that can petrify a human face, or wall-up a human body in a few seconds. Human figures dressed in extravagant costumes are returned back to nature by means of electronic effects: a man in a costume reminiscent of a bird transforms into a real bird. The costumed and real birds are accentuated by the bird's eye view, which...
Production: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana, VPK & Viba film, 1995
The artist insists on the duality of human nature: the same dreadfulness is part of both the mythical and the real world. The duality is explicitly presented by means of electronic effects that can petrify a human face, or wall-up a human body in a few seconds. Human figures dressed in extravagant costumes are returned back to nature by means of electronic effects: a man in a costume reminiscent of a bird transforms into a real bird. The costumed and real birds are accentuated by the bird's eye view, which...
Evelin Stermitz - Land of OZ (0:24:39)
Subtitle: Years of Crying
Production: 2008
LAND OF OZ is a video collage of urbanity, artificial nature and movement, all in all as a personal performative tableau embedded in an American context.
Subtitle: Years of Crying
Production: 2008
LAND OF OZ is a video collage of urbanity, artificial nature and movement, all in all as a personal performative tableau embedded in an American context.
Evelin Stermitz - Red Velvet (0:09:30)
Production: 2006
experimental video artificial structure, colour symbolism Computer generated red velvet as a structure for the screen.
Production: 2006
experimental video artificial structure, colour symbolism Computer generated red velvet as a structure for the screen.
Polonca Lovšin - Nazaj v mesto / Back to the City (00:13:34)
Production: Kud Obrat, 2011
Nazaj v mesto je video animacija, ki jo je avtorica izdelala na podlagi umetniške raziskave o čebelah in tematizira predvsem odnos človeka do okolja, hrane in narave v mestu in na podeželju. Z metodo stop-motion animacije, ki temelji na kolažih, je ustvarila zgodbo o čebelah, opraševanju, hrani in o tem, v kakšen odnosu je s tem človek. Avtorica je predstavila večplastne vzroke in učinke za porušeno in spremenjeno razmerje med podeželskim in mestnim okoljem, kajti urbano...
Production: Kud Obrat, 2011
Nazaj v mesto je video animacija, ki jo je avtorica izdelala na podlagi umetniške raziskave o čebelah in tematizira predvsem odnos človeka do okolja, hrane in narave v mestu in na podeželju. Z metodo stop-motion animacije, ki temelji na kolažih, je ustvarila zgodbo o čebelah, opraševanju, hrani in o tem, v kakšen odnosu je s tem človek. Avtorica je predstavila večplastne vzroke in učinke za porušeno in spremenjeno razmerje med podeželskim in mestnim okoljem, kajti urbano...
Sanela Jahić - Produktivna razmerja med človekom in strojem (00:54:49)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2015
Razstava in predstavitev instalacije intermedijske umetnice Sanele Jahić z naslovom Tempo Tempo, v katerem avtorica raziskuje razmerje med človekom in strojem v odnosu do delovne produktivnosti in časa. Instalacija je bila prvič razstavljena v okviru nominacij za nagrado skupine OHO v Galeriji P74 maja lani. Tempo Tempo sestavlja dvokanalni video in kinetični objekt - metronom, ki sproža električno iskro. Sanela Jahić obravnava družbo in posameznika v njej kot tehnološka orodja. V tem delu g...
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2015
Razstava in predstavitev instalacije intermedijske umetnice Sanele Jahić z naslovom Tempo Tempo, v katerem avtorica raziskuje razmerje med človekom in strojem v odnosu do delovne produktivnosti in časa. Instalacija je bila prvič razstavljena v okviru nominacij za nagrado skupine OHO v Galeriji P74 maja lani. Tempo Tempo sestavlja dvokanalni video in kinetični objekt - metronom, ki sproža električno iskro. Sanela Jahić obravnava družbo in posameznika v njej kot tehnološka orodja. V tem delu g...
Nika Oblak & Primož Novak - Border Mover (00:02:45)
Production: Co-Production/Koproducent: MMCA Residency Changdong, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seul, Južna Koreja, 2015
'Border Mover' is a kinetic video installation made in co-production with MMCA Residency Changdong, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea, dealing with contemporary individual being trapped by overwhelming technology and routine of our everyday existence, which more and more resembles monotony of operating machines. It is playing with ideas of physical and psychical boundaries as the consequence of capitalistic, neoliberal globalization, where it seems dreams are impos...
Production: Co-Production/Koproducent: MMCA Residency Changdong, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seul, Južna Koreja, 2015
'Border Mover' is a kinetic video installation made in co-production with MMCA Residency Changdong, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea, dealing with contemporary individual being trapped by overwhelming technology and routine of our everyday existence, which more and more resembles monotony of operating machines. It is playing with ideas of physical and psychical boundaries as the consequence of capitalistic, neoliberal globalization, where it seems dreams are impos...
Tanja Vujinović - Mindfulness (00:10:14)
Production: Ultramono, 2015
Mindfulness is a record of one day of meditation in the otherwise noisy, crowded place of online social gaming environment Second Life. As principles of fashionable mindfulness dictate, the avatar is trying to be aware of its surroundings, to breath-in the atmosphere, to remain in the moment of digital blissfulness. (Source: Tanja Vujinović)
Production: Ultramono, 2015
Mindfulness is a record of one day of meditation in the otherwise noisy, crowded place of online social gaming environment Second Life. As principles of fashionable mindfulness dictate, the avatar is trying to be aware of its surroundings, to breath-in the atmosphere, to remain in the moment of digital blissfulness. (Source: Tanja Vujinović)
Tanja Vujinović - Universal Objects: Explosions (00:16:00)
Production: Ultramono, 2015-2017
Universal Objects: Explosions is a work containing four scenes of exploding objects. Only for a brief fragment of time are we able to see the delicate objects before and after they start exploding. These events are silently observed by a group of avatars. Environments from the Universal Objects series are non-narrative situations – vibrational, living surroundings filled with elements that are either inanimate or executing simple behavioral patterns through which the situations themselves become like an...
Production: Ultramono, 2015-2017
Universal Objects: Explosions is a work containing four scenes of exploding objects. Only for a brief fragment of time are we able to see the delicate objects before and after they start exploding. These events are silently observed by a group of avatars. Environments from the Universal Objects series are non-narrative situations – vibrational, living surroundings filled with elements that are either inanimate or executing simple behavioral patterns through which the situations themselves become like an...