Marko Peljhan - The Park of Culture (TV situation) (00:07:44)
Subtitle: part of Media in Media exhibition
Production: Projekt Atol, SCCA-Ljubljana, VPK, 1996
If television bombards us with information, then this TV situation explicitly shows it. Images of earths' surface and human, especially technological activities on it are described in double captions, which look like stock quotes and differ in language (English and Slovene) and speed. The first line is describing, the second is explaining. The TV situation can be understood as a cradle for somebody discovering the world. The textual material is the translation of Sun Tzu's The Art of War and the compendium...
DIVA capitalism
44 results in works
Apolonija Šušteršič - (Cre)Action Directe (0:13:57)
Subtitle: Intervju z Riek van der Kerchove
Production: 1998
Pogovor z ustvarjalcem in producentom Rickom van der Kerchovom. Kamera ne snema intervjujanca, ampak spremlja dogajanje v skoraj preznem baru v Luxemburgu. Pogovor je bil uporabljen za potrebe festivala Manifesta.
Subtitle: Intervju z Riek van der Kerchove
Production: 1998
Pogovor z ustvarjalcem in producentom Rickom van der Kerchovom. Kamera ne snema intervjujanca, ampak spremlja dogajanje v skoraj preznem baru v Luxemburgu. Pogovor je bil uporabljen za potrebe festivala Manifesta.
Apolonija Šušteršič - Production of Desire (0:04:19)
Production: Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten Amsterdam, 1997
The video clip relates handbags and shoes produced by world famous fashion companies (Armani, Gucci, etc.) to a brick of wax produced by Apolonija d.o.o. The material of the brick reveals the recycling procedure that characterises the entire artist's production. The video clip advertisement forms part of an installation placed in a prestigious shop. (VD)
Production: Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten Amsterdam, 1997
The video clip relates handbags and shoes produced by world famous fashion companies (Armani, Gucci, etc.) to a brick of wax produced by Apolonija d.o.o. The material of the brick reveals the recycling procedure that characterises the entire artist's production. The video clip advertisement forms part of an installation placed in a prestigious shop. (VD)
Zmago Lenardič, Jasna Hribernik - NewMoscowYork (00:25:20)
Production: White Balance, 2004
The video is a humoristic comparison of two metropolises – New York and Moscow, where the life in the age of globalization is close to identical. Authors juxtapose similar scenes on two different channels. Each channel shows an urban silhouette with skyscrapers, triumphal arches and monuments of one of both cities. Scenes are followed by a lively music and a narration by a voice speaking English with a Russian accent reading highly ironical quotations from Little golden America, a work by humorists Il...
Production: White Balance, 2004
The video is a humoristic comparison of two metropolises – New York and Moscow, where the life in the age of globalization is close to identical. Authors juxtapose similar scenes on two different channels. Each channel shows an urban silhouette with skyscrapers, triumphal arches and monuments of one of both cities. Scenes are followed by a lively music and a narration by a voice speaking English with a Russian accent reading highly ironical quotations from Little golden America, a work by humorists Il...
Milena Kosec - Marička B. Pomagaj ante portas (00:09:10)
Production: Državica Ptičjestrašilna, 2009
Marička B. Pomagaj ante portas je umetniška akcija v okviru Državice Ptičjestrašilne. Njena državljanka Marička B. Pomagaj si je v petek, 5. januarja 2001, ob 17. uri s pomočjo asistenta Tomaža Trčka ogledala razstavo Vulgata, U3 – tretji trienale sodobne slovenske umetnosti, ki jo je kuriral Gregor Podnar. Državna inštitucija se v primeru U3 ni korektno obnašala do ustvarjalcev Državice Ptičjestrašilne, kar je izzvalo prepoved uporabe gradiva o Državici....
Production: Državica Ptičjestrašilna, 2009
Marička B. Pomagaj ante portas je umetniška akcija v okviru Državice Ptičjestrašilne. Njena državljanka Marička B. Pomagaj si je v petek, 5. januarja 2001, ob 17. uri s pomočjo asistenta Tomaža Trčka ogledala razstavo Vulgata, U3 – tretji trienale sodobne slovenske umetnosti, ki jo je kuriral Gregor Podnar. Državna inštitucija se v primeru U3 ni korektno obnašala do ustvarjalcev Državice Ptičjestrašilne, kar je izzvalo prepoved uporabe gradiva o Državici....
Marko A. Kovačič - American Dream (00:06:43)
Production: Brut film, 1986
An ambivalent deconstruction of fantasies about the promised land and faith in art, which is carried out through the stereotypical game of infinite hide-and-seek. It is a dialectic confrontation of the certain heroics of the regime that operated by prohibitions and its own detachment from the people, with the proclamation of a rapprochement with Western systems of liberal capitalism. (Source: DIVA)
Production: Brut film, 1986
An ambivalent deconstruction of fantasies about the promised land and faith in art, which is carried out through the stereotypical game of infinite hide-and-seek. It is a dialectic confrontation of the certain heroics of the regime that operated by prohibitions and its own detachment from the people, with the proclamation of a rapprochement with Western systems of liberal capitalism. (Source: DIVA)
Amir Muratović - Impresija velemesta (00:13:45)
Production: Amir Muratović
Video je dokumentarna animacija zbranih fotografij Berlina. Avtor fotografira dogajanje v mestu in s tem ustvarja nov ritem velemesta, kar dobro izrazi predsodek o prenatrpanih in rastočih urbanih središčih. Urbani dogodki, ki so v vsakdanjem življenju postali skoraj neopazni, se skozi avtorjev pogled pokažejo v neki povsem novi obogateni estetiki. Še posebej to pride do izraza v pravilnih usmerjenih gibanjih, ki v ponavljajoči se animirani tehniki izpostavljajo red in tehnološkost velemesta.
Production: Amir Muratović
Video je dokumentarna animacija zbranih fotografij Berlina. Avtor fotografira dogajanje v mestu in s tem ustvarja nov ritem velemesta, kar dobro izrazi predsodek o prenatrpanih in rastočih urbanih središčih. Urbani dogodki, ki so v vsakdanjem življenju postali skoraj neopazni, se skozi avtorjev pogled pokažejo v neki povsem novi obogateni estetiki. Še posebej to pride do izraza v pravilnih usmerjenih gibanjih, ki v ponavljajoči se animirani tehniki izpostavljajo red in tehnološkost velemesta.
Matevž Jerman, Peter Cerovšek - Ljubljana je Berlin (SBO) (03:18)
Production: SBO, 2021
By quoting well-known scenes from music videos, the video Ljubljana je Berlin (Ljubljana is Berlin) pays homage to the rich history of Slovenian music bands and the diverse visual and technological aesthetics of their videos from the beginning of the genre in the 1980s to the present day. Musical pop-cultural references are mixed with particular group scenes quoting scenes from TV reports of the early 1990s (from the time of the creation of the new state) in which certain people who today call themselv...
Production: SBO, 2021
By quoting well-known scenes from music videos, the video Ljubljana je Berlin (Ljubljana is Berlin) pays homage to the rich history of Slovenian music bands and the diverse visual and technological aesthetics of their videos from the beginning of the genre in the 1980s to the present day. Musical pop-cultural references are mixed with particular group scenes quoting scenes from TV reports of the early 1990s (from the time of the creation of the new state) in which certain people who today call themselv...
Sašo Sedlaček - Rent a Žicar / Rent a Beggar (00:19:23)
Production: 2006
Dokumentarni video o problemu "žicanja" denarja. Umetnik ponudi pravemu žicarju robota, ki bo namesto njega opravljal sramotno prakso pridobivanja denarja. Zaradi simbolno-estetske kategorije robota ima le-ta to prednost pred žicarjem, da lahko vstopi v določene javne prostore, ki so žicarjem sicer prepovedani. A video ne kaže samo na probleme skupine ljudi, ki eksistirajo na margini družbe - robot predstavlja tudi strategijo izboljševanja žicarskih pogojev, predstavlja višjo učinkovitost, višjo...
Production: 2006
Dokumentarni video o problemu "žicanja" denarja. Umetnik ponudi pravemu žicarju robota, ki bo namesto njega opravljal sramotno prakso pridobivanja denarja. Zaradi simbolno-estetske kategorije robota ima le-ta to prednost pred žicarjem, da lahko vstopi v določene javne prostore, ki so žicarjem sicer prepovedani. A video ne kaže samo na probleme skupine ljudi, ki eksistirajo na margini družbe - robot predstavlja tudi strategijo izboljševanja žicarskih pogojev, predstavlja višjo učinkovitost, višjo...
Sašo Sedlaček - Fernetiči / Fernetti (00:05:59)
Video je del projekta Izgubljena ozemlja. Kader je statičen in prikazuje mejni prehod Fernetiči med Italijo in Slovenijo. Umetnik spremeni državne simbole na način, da združi zastave v novi digitalni verziji. Forme dveh držav so prisotne, a so vseeno slabo vidne in izginjajo v digitalni posplošitvi. Tako kot je absurdna meja med državami, je absurdna tudi znakovna distinkcija.
Video je del projekta Izgubljena ozemlja. Kader je statičen in prikazuje mejni prehod Fernetiči med Italijo in Slovenijo. Umetnik spremeni državne simbole na način, da združi zastave v novi digitalni verziji. Forme dveh držav so prisotne, a so vseeno slabo vidne in izginjajo v digitalni posplošitvi. Tako kot je absurdna meja med državami, je absurdna tudi znakovna distinkcija.