Ana Sluga - Somewhere Else (00:05:00)
Production: 2011
Video sestavljata dve vzporedni naraciji. Na levi strani mlada ženska, najverjetneje umetnica, sedi na strehi in zre v daljavo mesta Ljubljana. Vidimo jo v hrbet. Na desni strani se nizajo posnetki narave: ptič na drevesu, trave v vetru, jata ptičev, sled letala na nebu, drevesa ob potoku, žuboreča voda, cvetoče drevo, dim, oblaki, jesenski gozd ... V ozadju se melanholična klavirska glasba (Jože Baša) prepleta s posnetki živahnih dialogov v različnih jezikih (spominjajo na preklapljanje me...
DIVA departure
2 results in works
Lealudvik - I would go poof! (02:04)
Production: Lealudvik, 2017
The two-channel video in the single-channel version shows two parallel images. The video on the left shows the protagonist walking from the city through the park into the woods. At the first trees she undresses and goes naked even deeper into the forest. The video is disrupted by digital glitches which causes the image of the body to disappear, merging with its surroundings. The right video in a short endless loop shows a naked female torso leaning, perhaps strapped, to a tree. Distinct breathing is noticea...
Production: Lealudvik, 2017
The two-channel video in the single-channel version shows two parallel images. The video on the left shows the protagonist walking from the city through the park into the woods. At the first trees she undresses and goes naked even deeper into the forest. The video is disrupted by digital glitches which causes the image of the body to disappear, merging with its surroundings. The right video in a short endless loop shows a naked female torso leaning, perhaps strapped, to a tree. Distinct breathing is noticea...