Jasna Hribernik - Hiša nasprotij / House of Contrasts (00:20:17)
Production: TV Slovenija, 1998
Video documents a day in a house, where both the main Ljubljana food market and Christian seminary are based. Lively, ordinary conversations with the vendors blend with scenes from peaceful clerical life, which goes on undisturbed in the upper storeys of the same building. While the first, engaged with the earth and the material side of being, the second deal with spiritual and soulful aspect of life. Through the narrator the author questions about existence of life beyond matter.
Classical documentary sh...
DIVA desire
42 results in works
Oliver Marčeta - Jazz bre (00:02:58)
Zeleni znak za izhod gosti fotografije manekenk, ki v množici ena za drugo postajajo številne in razosebljene. Video površina je plitva in spominja na kolaž. Žensko telo je potrošniška roba, ki zaradi obilja izgubi vrednost. Avtorjeva kritična misel je zreducirana na znak za izhod.
Zeleni znak za izhod gosti fotografije manekenk, ki v množici ena za drugo postajajo številne in razosebljene. Video površina je plitva in spominja na kolaž. Žensko telo je potrošniška roba, ki zaradi obilja izgubi vrednost. Avtorjeva kritična misel je zreducirana na znak za izhod.
Mirko Simić - Do you hear the sound of silence (00:03:02)
Production: Bris & V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana, 1992
A black and white video which builds on the details of the body under the shower. The images are not disturbed either by sounds or music because - as the title says - only the silence can be heard. That the eye of the video camera is always voyeuristic is best illustrated by the detail of the bath drain, a fetishistic and 'psychotic' object of the greatest voyeur among film directors - Hitchcock. (VD)
Production: Bris & V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana, 1992
A black and white video which builds on the details of the body under the shower. The images are not disturbed either by sounds or music because - as the title says - only the silence can be heard. That the eye of the video camera is always voyeuristic is best illustrated by the detail of the bath drain, a fetishistic and 'psychotic' object of the greatest voyeur among film directors - Hitchcock. (VD)
Zmago Lenardič, Jasna Hribernik - Three Wishes (00:01:05)
Subtitle: Fulfill My Wish
Production: 2000
Unedited recording of a performative action is following one of the authors holding a golden fish in his hand, hitting it on a white surface as he repeats a chant: “Grant me wish”. A light bulb is shining above the artist. Video perfomance “Grant me a wish” was a part of an exhibition “Tre desideri (Three wishes)”, which contains two other video elements: an edited video recording of a tropical fish and documentary recordings of winter fishing. Each of all three video wor...
Subtitle: Fulfill My Wish
Production: 2000
Unedited recording of a performative action is following one of the authors holding a golden fish in his hand, hitting it on a white surface as he repeats a chant: “Grant me wish”. A light bulb is shining above the artist. Video perfomance “Grant me a wish” was a part of an exhibition “Tre desideri (Three wishes)”, which contains two other video elements: an edited video recording of a tropical fish and documentary recordings of winter fishing. Each of all three video wor...
Neven Korda, Dario Seraval, Zemira Alajbegović - The Wild Bunch (00:02:56)
Subtitle: From the "So Young" compilation
Production: FV Video / ŠKD Forum, 1984
Video is a part of "So Young", a compilation of the Borghesia music video clips (So Young, The Wild Bunch, He, Too Much Tension, Cindy, A.R., ZMR), issued in 1985 as the first video cassette in Yugoslavia by the FV Label and successfully distributed via alternative channels. Videos are short, almost "film-like" stories focused primarily on the iconography of the body in urban surroundings. One of them presents a pioneer use of computer graphics. (Source: Videodokument) Borghesia (1983-1989) was a multimedi...
Subtitle: From the "So Young" compilation
Production: FV Video / ŠKD Forum, 1984
Video is a part of "So Young", a compilation of the Borghesia music video clips (So Young, The Wild Bunch, He, Too Much Tension, Cindy, A.R., ZMR), issued in 1985 as the first video cassette in Yugoslavia by the FV Label and successfully distributed via alternative channels. Videos are short, almost "film-like" stories focused primarily on the iconography of the body in urban surroundings. One of them presents a pioneer use of computer graphics. (Source: Videodokument) Borghesia (1983-1989) was a multimedi...
Zvonko Čoh, Milan Erič - Cigar for a Prince (00:11:09)
Subtitle: Socializing The Bull? - first episode
Production: Emotionfilm, ŠKUC, TV Slovenija, 1995
Cigara za princa je prva epizoda animiranega filma Socializacija bika?, ki je bila uporabljena kot promocijski spot. Skozi prelivanje podob spremljamo nagajivo ljubezensko zgodbo. Karikaturi dveh ljudi (avtorjev?) bežita pred bikom, asociacije odvijanja zgodbe so podobne sanjam, detajli so v ospredju. Socializacija bika? je prva slovenska celovečerna risanka.
Subtitle: Socializing The Bull? - first episode
Production: Emotionfilm, ŠKUC, TV Slovenija, 1995
Cigara za princa je prva epizoda animiranega filma Socializacija bika?, ki je bila uporabljena kot promocijski spot. Skozi prelivanje podob spremljamo nagajivo ljubezensko zgodbo. Karikaturi dveh ljudi (avtorjev?) bežita pred bikom, asociacije odvijanja zgodbe so podobne sanjam, detajli so v ospredju. Socializacija bika? je prva slovenska celovečerna risanka.
Andreja Džakušič, Simon Macuh, Iva Tratnik, SIVA - Motnje oblačenja – Prevelika obleka (00:04:04)
Production: Likovni salon Celje, 2011
S projektom obleka … človeka, ki je bil leta 2010 razstavljen v Likovnem salonu, je skupina dveh umetnic in umetnika raziskovala, v kolikšni meri obleka določa človekovo identiteto, koliko se s spremembo zunanje podobe spremeni odnos drugih. Za produkcijo razstave je neformalna skupina, ki so jo ustanovili ravno za razstavo obleka ... človeka, naredila serijo javnih intervencij, s katerimi so motili ustaljene oblačilne navade. Med drugim so se ukvarjali z nenavadnim pojavom specializirani...
Production: Likovni salon Celje, 2011
S projektom obleka … človeka, ki je bil leta 2010 razstavljen v Likovnem salonu, je skupina dveh umetnic in umetnika raziskovala, v kolikšni meri obleka določa človekovo identiteto, koliko se s spremembo zunanje podobe spremeni odnos drugih. Za produkcijo razstave je neformalna skupina, ki so jo ustanovili ravno za razstavo obleka ... človeka, naredila serijo javnih intervencij, s katerimi so motili ustaljene oblačilne navade. Med drugim so se ukvarjali z nenavadnim pojavom specializirani...
Andreja Džakušič, Simon Macuh, SIVA, Iva Tratnik - Motnja – Krzno (00:07:10)
Production: Likovni salon Celje, 2011
S projektom obleka … človeka, ki je bil leta 2010 razstavljen v Likovnem salonu, je skupina dveh umetnic in umetnika raziskovala, v kolikšni meri obleka določa človekovo identiteto, koliko se s spremembo zunanje podobe spremeni odnos drugih. Za produkcijo razstave je neformalna skupina, ki so jo ustanovili ravno za razstavo obleka ... človeka, naredila serijo javnih intervencij, s katerimi so motili ustaljene oblačilne navade. Med drugim so se ukvarjali z nenavadnim pojavom specializirani...
Production: Likovni salon Celje, 2011
S projektom obleka … človeka, ki je bil leta 2010 razstavljen v Likovnem salonu, je skupina dveh umetnic in umetnika raziskovala, v kolikšni meri obleka določa človekovo identiteto, koliko se s spremembo zunanje podobe spremeni odnos drugih. Za produkcijo razstave je neformalna skupina, ki so jo ustanovili ravno za razstavo obleka ... človeka, naredila serijo javnih intervencij, s katerimi so motili ustaljene oblačilne navade. Med drugim so se ukvarjali z nenavadnim pojavom specializirani...
Borut Savski - Bowlfuls of Sound (00:03:34)
Production: 2008
Two sperical bowls (from the Dancers series) have simple motorics and a bit more complex sensorics. They are susceptible to the sound they hear, but they also coproduce the sound (compressed microphony). This is why the bowls are full of sound. They can see each other (infrared sensor) and then they change direction. This should allow for the bowls to slowly zigzag closer to each other, which doesn’t really interests us anymore, but for the bowls this may be defined as a motive (with humans it could b...
Production: 2008
Two sperical bowls (from the Dancers series) have simple motorics and a bit more complex sensorics. They are susceptible to the sound they hear, but they also coproduce the sound (compressed microphony). This is why the bowls are full of sound. They can see each other (infrared sensor) and then they change direction. This should allow for the bowls to slowly zigzag closer to each other, which doesn’t really interests us anymore, but for the bowls this may be defined as a motive (with humans it could b...
Ema Kugler - For the End of Time (02:05:28)
Production: Zank & VPK, 2009
The video film is an investigation on man and his smallness in front of nature and time, the story is told by a voice-over narrator, with no dialogues between the characters. The camera slowly moves horizontally in panoramic views showing bright wide desert landscapes crossed by traces of death, alternated with futuristic interiors. Computer generated imagery plays an important role in this last work as in the previous ones by Ema Kugler and contributes to the creation of recurrent enviroments which are a p...
Production: Zank & VPK, 2009
The video film is an investigation on man and his smallness in front of nature and time, the story is told by a voice-over narrator, with no dialogues between the characters. The camera slowly moves horizontally in panoramic views showing bright wide desert landscapes crossed by traces of death, alternated with futuristic interiors. Computer generated imagery plays an important role in this last work as in the previous ones by Ema Kugler and contributes to the creation of recurrent enviroments which are a p...