Ana Sluga - Somewhere Else (00:05:00)
Production: 2011
Video sestavljata dve vzporedni naraciji. Na levi strani mlada ženska, najverjetneje umetnica, sedi na strehi in zre v daljavo mesta Ljubljana. Vidimo jo v hrbet. Na desni strani se nizajo posnetki narave: ptič na drevesu, trave v vetru, jata ptičev, sled letala na nebu, drevesa ob potoku, žuboreča voda, cvetoče drevo, dim, oblaki, jesenski gozd ... V ozadju se melanholična klavirska glasba (Jože Baša) prepleta s posnetki živahnih dialogov v različnih jezikih (spominjajo na preklapljanje me...
DIVA longing
11 results in works
Katarina Rešek - Swimming (00:23:43)
Production: UL AGRFT / RTV Slovenija, 2014
Kratki igrani študentski film. Dvanajstletna deklica Sanela je uspešna v plavanju in si želi tekmovati na šolskem plavalnem tekmovanju, a ji pot prekriža menstruacija, ki zanjo in za njeno tradicionalno muslimansko družino predstavlja korenito spremembo v življenju. Tema filma je versko-kulturni konflikt med Zahodom in islamom, kot ga doživljajo otroci in mladostniki, ki odraščajo razpeti med vrednotami zahodne družbe spektakla in islamske tradicije. (Vir: Festival slovenskega filma)
Production: UL AGRFT / RTV Slovenija, 2014
Kratki igrani študentski film. Dvanajstletna deklica Sanela je uspešna v plavanju in si želi tekmovati na šolskem plavalnem tekmovanju, a ji pot prekriža menstruacija, ki zanjo in za njeno tradicionalno muslimansko družino predstavlja korenito spremembo v življenju. Tema filma je versko-kulturni konflikt med Zahodom in islamom, kot ga doživljajo otroci in mladostniki, ki odraščajo razpeti med vrednotami zahodne družbe spektakla in islamske tradicije. (Vir: Festival slovenskega filma)
Peter Cerovšek - Trails (07:00)
Production: 2015
Eksperimentalni kratki film je sestavljen iz niza kratkih sekvenc, posnetih s telefonom in kamero. Posnetki pogledov skozi okno ob potovanju z vlakom, avtobusom in gondolo se izmenjujejo z izpisovanjem besedila na temni podlagi – vsebino kratkih telefonskih sporočil. Tresoča in nemirna slika posnetkov narave se prepleta z abstraktnimi vzorci, ki jih tvori svetloba. Menjajo se letni časi in pokrajina. Glasba v podlagi prispeva k ustvarjanju nostalgičnega vzdušja. Film govori krhkosti ljubeze...
Production: 2015
Eksperimentalni kratki film je sestavljen iz niza kratkih sekvenc, posnetih s telefonom in kamero. Posnetki pogledov skozi okno ob potovanju z vlakom, avtobusom in gondolo se izmenjujejo z izpisovanjem besedila na temni podlagi – vsebino kratkih telefonskih sporočil. Tresoča in nemirna slika posnetkov narave se prepleta z abstraktnimi vzorci, ki jih tvori svetloba. Menjajo se letni časi in pokrajina. Glasba v podlagi prispeva k ustvarjanju nostalgičnega vzdušja. Film govori krhkosti ljubeze...
Toni Poljanec - Lepa Vida: Dionysus (00:01:07)
Production: Kulturno umetniško društvo Teater na konfini, 2015
Lepa Vida : Dionysus is one of the series of trailers for the performance of Cankar's drama Lepa Vida by director Miha Nemec. Short predictions in different ways thematize the central theme of the performance, namely the social construction of longing. The video thus deals with the refugee crisis and includes footage from refugee camps on the island of Lesbos in the promotional material. (Source: Toni Poljanec)
Production: Kulturno umetniško društvo Teater na konfini, 2015
Lepa Vida : Dionysus is one of the series of trailers for the performance of Cankar's drama Lepa Vida by director Miha Nemec. Short predictions in different ways thematize the central theme of the performance, namely the social construction of longing. The video thus deals with the refugee crisis and includes footage from refugee camps on the island of Lesbos in the promotional material. (Source: Toni Poljanec)
Miha Mohorič - Genesis (00:04:12)
Production: Sagar Kolektiv, 2011
Short film about the source of our existence and our happiness... Shot in Khumbu Valley, Himalayas, Nepal, 2011 (Source: Miha Mohorič)
Production: Sagar Kolektiv, 2011
Short film about the source of our existence and our happiness... Shot in Khumbu Valley, Himalayas, Nepal, 2011 (Source: Miha Mohorič)
Anja Medved - Spovednica tihotapcev. Pogledi skozi železno zaveso (21:51)
Subtitle: Čezmejne akcije zbiranja spomina
Production: Kinoatelje, 2010
Spovednica tihotapcev je prva spominodajalska akcija iz serije Čezmejne akcije zbiranja spomina: Carinarnica na meji med dvema mestoma, državama, družbenima sistemoma, med romanskim in slovanskim svetom 65 let po končani vojni. 20. decembra 2007 z vstopom Slovenije v schengensko območje se Nova Gorica prvič v svoji kratki zgodovini znajde brez mejnih zapornic. Isti večer se ta travmatični prostor spremeni v prostor srečanj. V njem so nameščeni kamera, mikrofon, računalnik in zavesa, za kat...
Subtitle: Čezmejne akcije zbiranja spomina
Production: Kinoatelje, 2010
Spovednica tihotapcev je prva spominodajalska akcija iz serije Čezmejne akcije zbiranja spomina: Carinarnica na meji med dvema mestoma, državama, družbenima sistemoma, med romanskim in slovanskim svetom 65 let po končani vojni. 20. decembra 2007 z vstopom Slovenije v schengensko območje se Nova Gorica prvič v svoji kratki zgodovini znajde brez mejnih zapornic. Isti večer se ta travmatični prostor spremeni v prostor srečanj. V njem so nameščeni kamera, mikrofon, računalnik in zavesa, za kat...
Sara Bezovšek - Cyberstalking (05:27)
Subtitle: 2. del trilogije wwwiolenc=3
Production: Aksioma - Zavod za sodobne umetnosti, 2019
Subtitle: 2. del trilogije wwwiolenc=3
Production: Aksioma - Zavod za sodobne umetnosti, 2019
Anja Medved - Smuggler’s Confessional. Views through the Iron Curtain (21:51)
Subtitle: Cross-Border Memory Collection Actions
Production: Kinoatelje, 2010
A customs office building on the border between two towns, two countries, two social systems, two worlds, the Romanic and the Slavic, 65 years after the end of the war. On the 20th of December with the entry of Slovenia into the Schengen area, Nova Gorica for the first time in its short history finds itself without border fences. The same night, this traumatic space transforms into a meeting place. Inside are placed a camera, a microphone, a computer, and a curtain and people from both sides of the border s...
Subtitle: Cross-Border Memory Collection Actions
Production: Kinoatelje, 2010
A customs office building on the border between two towns, two countries, two social systems, two worlds, the Romanic and the Slavic, 65 years after the end of the war. On the 20th of December with the entry of Slovenia into the Schengen area, Nova Gorica for the first time in its short history finds itself without border fences. The same night, this traumatic space transforms into a meeting place. Inside are placed a camera, a microphone, a computer, and a curtain and people from both sides of the border s...
Luksuz produkcija - Ephemera (06:21)
Production: Luksuz produkcija, 2014
Old skin, old walls. The castle is in ruin. The old lady is still straying around it's empty rooms. She had a life here, once, she was a little girl, and then a young woman. She loved. He died. Ephemera is playing poetically with images coming from the past, resurrected memories that should become a heritage. Present & past reverberate in bright colors among the present ruins, like in Jacques Demy's movie. Things are not always turning into dust & ashes. (Source: Luksuz produkcija) Authors: Jasna M...
Production: Luksuz produkcija, 2014
Old skin, old walls. The castle is in ruin. The old lady is still straying around it's empty rooms. She had a life here, once, she was a little girl, and then a young woman. She loved. He died. Ephemera is playing poetically with images coming from the past, resurrected memories that should become a heritage. Present & past reverberate in bright colors among the present ruins, like in Jacques Demy's movie. Things are not always turning into dust & ashes. (Source: Luksuz produkcija) Authors: Jasna M...
Aleksandra Saška Gruden - Come to me.... (04:02)
Production: Aleksandra Saška Gruden, MOM, Narodni dom, 2020
The video work was made from the eponymous spacial art project, in which the author focuses on messages sent by users of dating sites to selected sympathies. Attention is focused on written texts, which in short sentences, sometimes several semantic texts, concisely and at the same time clearly, convince that they are the best and that they are looking for someone who is perfect for them. In the video, the author, with her bare back facing the camera, reinterprets the statuses reported by users of dating si...
Production: Aleksandra Saška Gruden, MOM, Narodni dom, 2020
The video work was made from the eponymous spacial art project, in which the author focuses on messages sent by users of dating sites to selected sympathies. Attention is focused on written texts, which in short sentences, sometimes several semantic texts, concisely and at the same time clearly, convince that they are the best and that they are looking for someone who is perfect for them. In the video, the author, with her bare back facing the camera, reinterprets the statuses reported by users of dating si...