Darij Kreuh - Mine Mind Do you Mind (00:03:18)
Subtitle: Imena skulptur: Treadmill, Push it, Cabine
Production: 1993
Posnetek serije skulptur, ki delujejo kot nihala. Gre za interaktivno delo predmeta s predmeti in za dokumentarne posnetke iz razstave, v katere montaža minimalno poseže. Kamera posega v različne kote eksponatov, zato da jih lažje - razločneje vidimo.
DIVA metal
8 results in works
Duba Sambolec - Lights & Pipes (05:24)
Subtitle: NoHomeVideos©
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2000
The authors put on the camera and film lights and pipes with one of them filming and the other holding her. The situation is entertaining for both of them, as we hear them laughing. The first one dictates hot the other should hold her in order for her to move up and film the lights and pipes. Movement of the hand held camera is impulsive, fast and improvised. NoHomeVideos© are 14 video performances, first presented at the International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women in Ljublj...
Subtitle: NoHomeVideos©
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2000
The authors put on the camera and film lights and pipes with one of them filming and the other holding her. The situation is entertaining for both of them, as we hear them laughing. The first one dictates hot the other should hold her in order for her to move up and film the lights and pipes. Movement of the hand held camera is impulsive, fast and improvised. NoHomeVideos© are 14 video performances, first presented at the International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women in Ljublj...
Uršula Berlot - Attractions (0:56:43)
Production: Uršula Berlot, 2005
Video has a simple concept, as it works like a primitive animation based on magnetism. The presence of some higher power is actualized indirectly, through a movement of small iron particles. Shapes that are formed by the movement of an invisible magnet are seen as a process of concretizing images. But concrete, suggestive shapes are never formed and therefore the viewer is left to his own imagination and brings these abstract forms to some personal space. (Source: DIVA)
Production: Uršula Berlot, 2005
Video has a simple concept, as it works like a primitive animation based on magnetism. The presence of some higher power is actualized indirectly, through a movement of small iron particles. Shapes that are formed by the movement of an invisible magnet are seen as a process of concretizing images. But concrete, suggestive shapes are never formed and therefore the viewer is left to his own imagination and brings these abstract forms to some personal space. (Source: DIVA)
Amir Muratović - Domači pajek (00.27:47)
Production: RTV Slovenija, 2009/2010
Dokumentarec o raziskavi Društva za domače raziskave, ki se ukvarja z etnološkim fenomenom fasadnih pajkov. Zakaj, na dokaj endemskem področju, tako nenavaden element? Raziskava je podrobno obdelala različne sociološke faktorje, ki so skupaj pripeljali do pomembne produkcije enostavnih kovinskih pajkov. Raziskava se je zaključila z razstavo v Knjižnici Kolodvor v Ljubljani leta 2009.
Production: RTV Slovenija, 2009/2010
Dokumentarec o raziskavi Društva za domače raziskave, ki se ukvarja z etnološkim fenomenom fasadnih pajkov. Zakaj, na dokaj endemskem področju, tako nenavaden element? Raziskava je podrobno obdelala različne sociološke faktorje, ki so skupaj pripeljali do pomembne produkcije enostavnih kovinskih pajkov. Raziskava se je zaključila z razstavo v Knjižnici Kolodvor v Ljubljani leta 2009.
Peter Cerovšek - Fundaments (trailer) (1:41)
Production: EnaBanda, 2018
The director of the film follows the construction of a luxury hotel through his kitchen window. Fragments of the dissolution of his relationship unintentionally sneak into the recorded material and shake the very foundations of the film. (Source: EnaBanda)
Production: EnaBanda, 2018
The director of the film follows the construction of a luxury hotel through his kitchen window. Fragments of the dissolution of his relationship unintentionally sneak into the recorded material and shake the very foundations of the film. (Source: EnaBanda)
Urška Aplinc - Slide (01:52)
Production: U.A., 2014
Video je del projekta Drča, ki ga je avtorica ustvarila v času študija kiparstva na ALUO. V ateljeju je zgradila objekt, ki ima poleg specifične estetske vrednosti tudi igrivo 'uporabno' vrednost. Njeno uporabo avtorica demonstrira v videu, sestavljenem iz ponovitev kratkega spusta po drči. (Vir: Postaja DIVA)
Production: U.A., 2014
Video je del projekta Drča, ki ga je avtorica ustvarila v času študija kiparstva na ALUO. V ateljeju je zgradila objekt, ki ima poleg specifične estetske vrednosti tudi igrivo 'uporabno' vrednost. Njeno uporabo avtorica demonstrira v videu, sestavljenem iz ponovitev kratkega spusta po drči. (Vir: Postaja DIVA)
Milena Kosec - Mirko Bratuša and Darko Golija: Sculptural works in the garden (21:19)
Subtitle: Exhibition openinig
Production: Galerija Vila Katarina, 1991
Documentary recording of the public opening of the sculptural exhibition by Mirko Bratuša and Darko Golija in the garden of the Vila Katarina gallery in Ljubljana. Art historian Tomaž Brejc and representative of the Ministry of Information Dušan Rogelj gave opening speeches in front of a crowd of visitors.
Subtitle: Exhibition openinig
Production: Galerija Vila Katarina, 1991
Documentary recording of the public opening of the sculptural exhibition by Mirko Bratuša and Darko Golija in the garden of the Vila Katarina gallery in Ljubljana. Art historian Tomaž Brejc and representative of the Ministry of Information Dušan Rogelj gave opening speeches in front of a crowd of visitors.
Jatun Risba - Merkato (trailer) (09:19 (trailer 01:17))
Production: Jatun Risba, 2023
"Merkato" is the 3rd video essay filmed by artist Jatun Risba during a field research in central Ethiopia in the beginning of 2015. It offers an insight into the social choreographies and the material culture of the Merkato marketplace in Addis Ababa. Merkato is the largest open-air market in Africa, covering several square miles and employing an estimated 13,000 people in 7,100 business entities. The filming was facilitated by the precious help and assistance provided by Melak Alemayehu and Ermiyas Alemu. (S...
Production: Jatun Risba, 2023
"Merkato" is the 3rd video essay filmed by artist Jatun Risba during a field research in central Ethiopia in the beginning of 2015. It offers an insight into the social choreographies and the material culture of the Merkato marketplace in Addis Ababa. Merkato is the largest open-air market in Africa, covering several square miles and employing an estimated 13,000 people in 7,100 business entities. The filming was facilitated by the precious help and assistance provided by Melak Alemayehu and Ermiyas Alemu. (S...