Marko A. Kovačič - Naprej v preteklost (razstava) / Forth Into the Past (exhibition) (00:05:38)
Production: 1994
Documentation of the exhibition in Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana, 1994
DIVA museum
5 results in works
Milena Kosec - Marička B. Pomagaj ante portas (00:09:10)
Production: Državica Ptičjestrašilna, 2009
Marička B. Pomagaj ante portas je umetniška akcija v okviru Državice Ptičjestrašilne. Njena državljanka Marička B. Pomagaj si je v petek, 5. januarja 2001, ob 17. uri s pomočjo asistenta Tomaža Trčka ogledala razstavo Vulgata, U3 – tretji trienale sodobne slovenske umetnosti, ki jo je kuriral Gregor Podnar. Državna inštitucija se v primeru U3 ni korektno obnašala do ustvarjalcev Državice Ptičjestrašilne, kar je izzvalo prepoved uporabe gradiva o Državici....
Production: Državica Ptičjestrašilna, 2009
Marička B. Pomagaj ante portas je umetniška akcija v okviru Državice Ptičjestrašilne. Njena državljanka Marička B. Pomagaj si je v petek, 5. januarja 2001, ob 17. uri s pomočjo asistenta Tomaža Trčka ogledala razstavo Vulgata, U3 – tretji trienale sodobne slovenske umetnosti, ki jo je kuriral Gregor Podnar. Državna inštitucija se v primeru U3 ni korektno obnašala do ustvarjalcev Državice Ptičjestrašilne, kar je izzvalo prepoved uporabe gradiva o Državici....
PUNce, Pila Rusjan, Tina Krajnc, Nina Bric - Vidiš umetnost? (00:05:46)
Production: KUD PUNce, 2010
Dokumentarni posnetek performativne akcije skupine PUNce (Pila Rusjan, Tina Krajnc, Nina Bric) s posnetkom avtorske izjave, ki jo je za skupino podala Pila Rusjan. V posnetku spremljamo performans treh akterk in reakcije naključnih mimoidočih sprehajalcev. Performans je bila neformalna intervencija v razstavo Viktorja Bernika v Mali galeriji Moderne galerije na Slovenski cesti. Bernik je 20. junija 2010 kot svojo samostojno razstavo izpraznil prostor in na stežaj odprl vrata, da bi zastavil vprašanje gl...
Production: KUD PUNce, 2010
Dokumentarni posnetek performativne akcije skupine PUNce (Pila Rusjan, Tina Krajnc, Nina Bric) s posnetkom avtorske izjave, ki jo je za skupino podala Pila Rusjan. V posnetku spremljamo performans treh akterk in reakcije naključnih mimoidočih sprehajalcev. Performans je bila neformalna intervencija v razstavo Viktorja Bernika v Mali galeriji Moderne galerije na Slovenski cesti. Bernik je 20. junija 2010 kot svojo samostojno razstavo izpraznil prostor in na stežaj odprl vrata, da bi zastavil vprašanje gl...
Ksenija Čerče - fall... (00:08:09)
Production: Ksenija Čerče, 2005-2008
The video was created on the basis of three short videos, partly recorded during the artist's audio- visual studies in New York City. By naming it 'audio video', she emphasizes the key role that sound plays in her works. In individual sequences we follow the movement of persons, objects and animals, while the rhythm is based primarily on the presence and absence of sound and image, emphasized silence and darkness.
Production: Ksenija Čerče, 2005-2008
The video was created on the basis of three short videos, partly recorded during the artist's audio- visual studies in New York City. By naming it 'audio video', she emphasizes the key role that sound plays in her works. In individual sequences we follow the movement of persons, objects and animals, while the rhythm is based primarily on the presence and absence of sound and image, emphasized silence and darkness.
Marko A. Kovačič - Post at the Red Star (2:40)
Production: Gibatorij, 2021
During the corona pandemic in 2020 and 2021, the author opened Javka pri Rdeči zvezdi (Post at the Red Star) in the former Mehanika factory and now Ropotarnca in Trbovlje to the public. In the heart of the once proletarian and revolutionary Red Districts, he performed the most complex staging of his fascinating forty-year artistic process to date, and through art encompassed social periods full of contradictions and paradoxes. (Source: DIVA)
Production: Gibatorij, 2021
During the corona pandemic in 2020 and 2021, the author opened Javka pri Rdeči zvezdi (Post at the Red Star) in the former Mehanika factory and now Ropotarnca in Trbovlje to the public. In the heart of the once proletarian and revolutionary Red Districts, he performed the most complex staging of his fascinating forty-year artistic process to date, and through art encompassed social periods full of contradictions and paradoxes. (Source: DIVA)