Marko A. Kovačič - No More Heroes Any More (0:18:15)
Production: V.S. VIDEO/Forum Ljubljana, 1992
Video deals with the theme of war in a parodic and grotesque manner. With Chroma key procedure the two main protagonists or shall we say antagonists - evil and conniving political leaders are set inside a TV studio, where so called Royal game takes place. War battle metaphorically packed as a twisted game of chess, which sees real people as toys in the hands of malicious and greedy politics, is getting more and more insane and uncontrollable. Performative character of the video allows the actors to exaggera...
DIVA parody
37 results in works
Sašo Podgoršek - Koza je preživela (00:09:03)
Production: 1992
Posnetki prikazujejo posameznike, ki se zbirajo pred zapornico: oseba v avtomobilu, ki čaka na svoje dekle, oseba na vozu, oseba na motorju in nekdo s kozo v naročju. Kolona pred zapornico čaka na vlak, vname se pretep, koza pa se v zmedi znajde privezana na zapornico, ki se, ko vlak odide, dvigne s kozo vred. Video predstavlja zrežirane komične prizore, ki prikazujejo resničnost sodobne družbe.
Production: 1992
Posnetki prikazujejo posameznike, ki se zbirajo pred zapornico: oseba v avtomobilu, ki čaka na svoje dekle, oseba na vozu, oseba na motorju in nekdo s kozo v naročju. Kolona pred zapornico čaka na vlak, vname se pretep, koza pa se v zmedi znajde privezana na zapornico, ki se, ko vlak odide, dvigne s kozo vred. Video predstavlja zrežirane komične prizore, ki prikazujejo resničnost sodobne družbe.
Oliver Marčeta - Jesus von New Orleans (00:02:50)
White background with black wires forming a figure on it, tangling themselves and intertwining until the created character pins itself onto a cross like Jesus Christ, compose an expressive animation video work. The depth is strengthen by a shadow formed by the interspace between the wire and the background. The author reaches expressivity by manipulating the material in its rawness and economy.
White background with black wires forming a figure on it, tangling themselves and intertwining until the created character pins itself onto a cross like Jesus Christ, compose an expressive animation video work. The depth is strengthen by a shadow formed by the interspace between the wire and the background. The author reaches expressivity by manipulating the material in its rawness and economy.
Oliver Marčeta - Internacional (00:02:01)
Narisani goli figuri potujeta tako, da se s croma key efektom prestavljata po razglednicah različnih krajev sveta. Figuri sta realizirani na enostaven risarski način, s kombiniranjem nekoliko različnih poz. Video je parodija na glabalizacijo in sodobno manijo, da se turistične destinacije predstavijo kot trofeje.
Narisani goli figuri potujeta tako, da se s croma key efektom prestavljata po razglednicah različnih krajev sveta. Figuri sta realizirani na enostaven risarski način, s kombiniranjem nekoliko različnih poz. Video je parodija na glabalizacijo in sodobno manijo, da se turistične destinacije predstavijo kot trofeje.
Apolonija Šušteršič - Production of Desire (0:04:19)
Production: Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten Amsterdam, 1997
The video clip relates handbags and shoes produced by world famous fashion companies (Armani, Gucci, etc.) to a brick of wax produced by Apolonija d.o.o. The material of the brick reveals the recycling procedure that characterises the entire artist's production. The video clip advertisement forms part of an installation placed in a prestigious shop. (VD)
Production: Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten Amsterdam, 1997
The video clip relates handbags and shoes produced by world famous fashion companies (Armani, Gucci, etc.) to a brick of wax produced by Apolonija d.o.o. The material of the brick reveals the recycling procedure that characterises the entire artist's production. The video clip advertisement forms part of an installation placed in a prestigious shop. (VD)
Zmago Lenardič, Jasna Hribernik - Three Wishes (00:01:05)
Subtitle: Fulfill My Wish
Production: 2000
Unedited recording of a performative action is following one of the authors holding a golden fish in his hand, hitting it on a white surface as he repeats a chant: “Grant me wish”. A light bulb is shining above the artist. Video perfomance “Grant me a wish” was a part of an exhibition “Tre desideri (Three wishes)”, which contains two other video elements: an edited video recording of a tropical fish and documentary recordings of winter fishing. Each of all three video wor...
Subtitle: Fulfill My Wish
Production: 2000
Unedited recording of a performative action is following one of the authors holding a golden fish in his hand, hitting it on a white surface as he repeats a chant: “Grant me wish”. A light bulb is shining above the artist. Video perfomance “Grant me a wish” was a part of an exhibition “Tre desideri (Three wishes)”, which contains two other video elements: an edited video recording of a tropical fish and documentary recordings of winter fishing. Each of all three video wor...
Marko A. Kovačič - Golden Section/Indeed (00:29:08)
Production: KUD France Prešeren / Zavod SCCA-Ljubljana, 2004
A film in the genre “the silent musical” was originally screened with live music (VIS Zlati Kastrioti). It creates a Kastrioti story about a mother who leaves her children to their fathers due to a stormy spirit, unspoken love, and the realization of the truth. (Source: Station DIVA)
Production: KUD France Prešeren / Zavod SCCA-Ljubljana, 2004
A film in the genre “the silent musical” was originally screened with live music (VIS Zlati Kastrioti). It creates a Kastrioti story about a mother who leaves her children to their fathers due to a stormy spirit, unspoken love, and the realization of the truth. (Source: Station DIVA)
Zmago Lenardič, Jasna Hribernik - NewMoscowYork (00:25:20)
Production: White Balance, 2004
The video is a humoristic comparison of two metropolises – New York and Moscow, where the life in the age of globalization is close to identical. Authors juxtapose similar scenes on two different channels. Each channel shows an urban silhouette with skyscrapers, triumphal arches and monuments of one of both cities. Scenes are followed by a lively music and a narration by a voice speaking English with a Russian accent reading highly ironical quotations from Little golden America, a work by humorists Il...
Production: White Balance, 2004
The video is a humoristic comparison of two metropolises – New York and Moscow, where the life in the age of globalization is close to identical. Authors juxtapose similar scenes on two different channels. Each channel shows an urban silhouette with skyscrapers, triumphal arches and monuments of one of both cities. Scenes are followed by a lively music and a narration by a voice speaking English with a Russian accent reading highly ironical quotations from Little golden America, a work by humorists Il...
Milena Kosec - Marička B. Pomagaj ante portas (00:09:10)
Production: Državica Ptičjestrašilna, 2009
Marička B. Pomagaj ante portas je umetniška akcija v okviru Državice Ptičjestrašilne. Njena državljanka Marička B. Pomagaj si je v petek, 5. januarja 2001, ob 17. uri s pomočjo asistenta Tomaža Trčka ogledala razstavo Vulgata, U3 – tretji trienale sodobne slovenske umetnosti, ki jo je kuriral Gregor Podnar. Državna inštitucija se v primeru U3 ni korektno obnašala do ustvarjalcev Državice Ptičjestrašilne, kar je izzvalo prepoved uporabe gradiva o Državici....
Production: Državica Ptičjestrašilna, 2009
Marička B. Pomagaj ante portas je umetniška akcija v okviru Državice Ptičjestrašilne. Njena državljanka Marička B. Pomagaj si je v petek, 5. januarja 2001, ob 17. uri s pomočjo asistenta Tomaža Trčka ogledala razstavo Vulgata, U3 – tretji trienale sodobne slovenske umetnosti, ki jo je kuriral Gregor Podnar. Državna inštitucija se v primeru U3 ni korektno obnašala do ustvarjalcev Državice Ptičjestrašilne, kar je izzvalo prepoved uporabe gradiva o Državici....
Nataša Skušek - Vrt (00:00:20)
Subtitle: Počasna verzija
Production: 2008
The artist is placed in the place of a naked female model inside an impressionistic painting by Édouard Manet Luncheon on the Grass. Video collage is author's miniature emancipatory gesture fighting against the passive representation of women.
Subtitle: Počasna verzija
Production: 2008
The artist is placed in the place of a naked female model inside an impressionistic painting by Édouard Manet Luncheon on the Grass. Video collage is author's miniature emancipatory gesture fighting against the passive representation of women.