Jasna Hribernik - Carte Postale (06:32)
Production: TV Slovenija, 1997
By layering of pictures the artist succeded in simultaneously presenting the past and the present. Destruction of a house represents the present, and fragments from letters written by people who used to live in the house represent the past. An off-screen voice reads the letters, but the sounds soon become unintelligible - for who gives us the right to rummage through the intimacies of these anonymous people? Anonymous they shall remain. For a moment we even see their faces in photographs, but these photogra...
DIVA past / future
26 results in works
Marko A. Kovačič - Naprej v preteklost / Forth Into the Past (0:09:30)
Production: Forum Ljubljana, VPK, 1995
The video deals with our understanding of the distant future, presented through a concrete example of the 23rd-century archaeology. A narration of a professor archaeologist leads us through the story as he guides his student through one of the main archaeological sites in the City of Catastropolis, where so-called Plastoses, who (will) survived the atomic catastrophe in 2223 live. These half-organic half-mechanical creatures form a comprehensive civilisation of Plastos, which is the author's subject in a se...
Production: Forum Ljubljana, VPK, 1995
The video deals with our understanding of the distant future, presented through a concrete example of the 23rd-century archaeology. A narration of a professor archaeologist leads us through the story as he guides his student through one of the main archaeological sites in the City of Catastropolis, where so-called Plastoses, who (will) survived the atomic catastrophe in 2223 live. These half-organic half-mechanical creatures form a comprehensive civilisation of Plastos, which is the author's subject in a se...
Neven Korda, Zemira Alajbegović - The Sand Collectors (00:12:34)
Production: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana & TV Slovenija, 1995
Video work tells a story of an art collector as remembered by herself in her old age, and as narrated by her friend, a psychoanalyst. Thru this narrative the authors deal with the spirit of avant-garde art in the first half of the 20th century. By layering black and white and colour images and sounds the work creates a deep and lively emotional space. (Source: Videodokument)
Production: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana & TV Slovenija, 1995
Video work tells a story of an art collector as remembered by herself in her old age, and as narrated by her friend, a psychoanalyst. Thru this narrative the authors deal with the spirit of avant-garde art in the first half of the 20th century. By layering black and white and colour images and sounds the work creates a deep and lively emotional space. (Source: Videodokument)
Ema Kugler - Homo Erectus (00:43:28)
Production: ZANK, VPK, Cankarjev dom, 2000
This video features no words, only music and images. Ema Kugler describes the moving images as: “They are like a dark, surrealist dance of everyman with his own death. I have seen all these images. They came from the darkness of my subconsciousness, colonized me and obsessed me.” The video shows images, which together with the accompanying music give an impression of the infinite and the divine and being sucked into an abyss from where there is no return. The images bring us to the edge of our e...
Production: ZANK, VPK, Cankarjev dom, 2000
This video features no words, only music and images. Ema Kugler describes the moving images as: “They are like a dark, surrealist dance of everyman with his own death. I have seen all these images. They came from the darkness of my subconsciousness, colonized me and obsessed me.” The video shows images, which together with the accompanying music give an impression of the infinite and the divine and being sucked into an abyss from where there is no return. The images bring us to the edge of our e...
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Ne poznaješ me / You Don't Know Me (00:04:56)
Production: TV Sarajevo, 1989
The dance-floor and dancer are symbols of two worlds and generations placed in opposition. The division is defined by music and chromatic contrasts. The dancer first dances a waltz, but this later changes to rock'n'roll. The video is enhanced by drawings, which impart to the image an impression of multiple layers. (VD)
Production: TV Sarajevo, 1989
The dance-floor and dancer are symbols of two worlds and generations placed in opposition. The division is defined by music and chromatic contrasts. The dancer first dances a waltz, but this later changes to rock'n'roll. The video is enhanced by drawings, which impart to the image an impression of multiple layers. (VD)
Zemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda - Autobus (00:11:10)
Production: TV Slovenija, 1993
The video starts with a graphic sign from which emerge images, and this procedure points to the fact that any documentary is but an artefact. The narrator searches through documents and reconstructs the life of Lela: in the Middle Ages she was accused of witchcraft; in the 20th century she finds herself in the midst of war, in the future she will leave the planet. Lela's individual destiny is being inscribed into the fate of humanity by means of layering the image; only television shots of the war in former...
Production: TV Slovenija, 1993
The video starts with a graphic sign from which emerge images, and this procedure points to the fact that any documentary is but an artefact. The narrator searches through documents and reconstructs the life of Lela: in the Middle Ages she was accused of witchcraft; in the 20th century she finds herself in the midst of war, in the future she will leave the planet. Lela's individual destiny is being inscribed into the fate of humanity by means of layering the image; only television shots of the war in former...
Zemira Alajbegović, Neven Korda - Zbiralci peska (00:13:06)
Production: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana & TV Slovenija, 1995
Video delo pripoveduje zgodbo o zbirateljici umetniških del. K narativi delo pristopa prek protagonistkinih spominov ter pripovedi njenega znanca psihoanalitika. Skozi zgodbo se avtorja v tem in še dveh videih dotikata teoretskih razmišljanj o avantgardni umetnosti v prvi polovici 20. stoletja. S plastenjem črno-belih in barvnih podob ter zvokov delo ustvarja poglobljen in živahen emocionalni prostor. --- ZANK je akronim za umetnika Zemiro Alajbegović in Nevena Kordo, ki sta v obdo...
Production: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana & TV Slovenija, 1995
Video delo pripoveduje zgodbo o zbirateljici umetniških del. K narativi delo pristopa prek protagonistkinih spominov ter pripovedi njenega znanca psihoanalitika. Skozi zgodbo se avtorja v tem in še dveh videih dotikata teoretskih razmišljanj o avantgardni umetnosti v prvi polovici 20. stoletja. S plastenjem črno-belih in barvnih podob ter zvokov delo ustvarja poglobljen in živahen emocionalni prostor. --- ZANK je akronim za umetnika Zemiro Alajbegović in Nevena Kordo, ki sta v obdo...
Nika Grabar - Format Oblivion (00:14:43)
Subtitle: How to Connect Contents of AV Archives
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2012
Documentation and archiving of media art materials has become necessary for the reflection of contemporary art practice and media art. The essey serves as a presentation of seminar How to connect the contents of AV archives? taking place at Vžigalica Gallery, Ljubljana in October 2010. It consisted of exhibition with installation and video works by Dalibor Martinis Data Recovery and video archive jukebox Transitland; lectures by Steven Kovats and Dalibor Martinis, screenings from archives Netherlands Media...
Subtitle: How to Connect Contents of AV Archives
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2012
Documentation and archiving of media art materials has become necessary for the reflection of contemporary art practice and media art. The essey serves as a presentation of seminar How to connect the contents of AV archives? taking place at Vžigalica Gallery, Ljubljana in October 2010. It consisted of exhibition with installation and video works by Dalibor Martinis Data Recovery and video archive jukebox Transitland; lectures by Steven Kovats and Dalibor Martinis, screenings from archives Netherlands Media...
Marko A. Kovačič - Naprej v preteklost (razstava) / Forth Into the Past (exhibition) (00:05:38)
Production: 1994
Documentation of the exhibition in Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana, 1994
Production: 1994
Documentation of the exhibition in Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana, 1994
Jasna Hribernik - Stopnišče / Starcase (0:16:07)
Production: VPK, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS & Studio Ljubljana, 1992
Two dancers, a man and a woman, present different human positions and movements in the space, and thus represent different times and spaces. The repetitive scenes of people walking around indicate the passage of time, while the fixed structure of the staircase delienates permanency.(source: Videodokument)
Production: VPK, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS & Studio Ljubljana, 1992
Two dancers, a man and a woman, present different human positions and movements in the space, and thus represent different times and spaces. The repetitive scenes of people walking around indicate the passage of time, while the fixed structure of the staircase delienates permanency.(source: Videodokument)