Damijan Kracina - Zoospective (00:11:53)
Subtitle: (Zoological Retrospective)
Production: 2000
The video summarises the basic motifs of the artist’s work: endangered species and fantasy animals of the future. It comprises an omnibus of five individual video pieces and additional raw video footage. First, we see ‘proteus’, a computer-generated olm in motion; which is followed by ‘An Interview with an Endangered Species’, featuring frontal shots of the Soča Trout opening its mouth as if it were speaking; these are combined with an Aquarium video showing the flight of the Soč...
DIVA pollution
13 results in works
Sašo Sedlaček - Just Do It! (0:06:20)
Production: Galerija Kapelica, 2003
Video documents action conducted by the author in 2003 in one of the shopping malls in Ljubljana. The action problematizes direct marketing carried out by salesmen through printed propaganda material. The visitors recycled collected material and made brick out of it, using them to build a wall to symbolically and actually close the entrance into a shopping mall.
Production: Galerija Kapelica, 2003
Video documents action conducted by the author in 2003 in one of the shopping malls in Ljubljana. The action problematizes direct marketing carried out by salesmen through printed propaganda material. The visitors recycled collected material and made brick out of it, using them to build a wall to symbolically and actually close the entrance into a shopping mall.
Sašo Sedlaček - Piknik na deponiji / Picnic on a Dump (0:09:06)
Production: 2004
Video documents a trip of a group of artists to a city wasteland. The intention of the artist's action is to establish creative practises in an extreme, unusual environment. Despite the stench of the wasteland, the artists start to explore the field and actually creatively dedicate to the project. Hand held camera captures details of the depot and documents artist actions.
Production: 2004
Video documents a trip of a group of artists to a city wasteland. The intention of the artist's action is to establish creative practises in an extreme, unusual environment. Despite the stench of the wasteland, the artists start to explore the field and actually creatively dedicate to the project. Hand held camera captures details of the depot and documents artist actions.
Zoran Srdić Janežič - Take a walk on the wild side (00:07:30)
Production: Zavod za sodobne umetnosti in kulture Gulag, 2010
Video je nastal s snemanjem zapuščenega prostora. Snemalec sprva opazuje okolje in nima interakcije s objekti. Potem pa se v bistvu video pretvori v animacijo, kjer razmetani objekti dobijo neki svoj ritem in novo življenje. Gledalec ima občutek, kot da se stvari same od sebe začenjajo urejati, in iz kaosa zapuščenega prostora nastajajo pravilni in včasih ponavljajoči se vzorci in ritmi.
Production: Zavod za sodobne umetnosti in kulture Gulag, 2010
Video je nastal s snemanjem zapuščenega prostora. Snemalec sprva opazuje okolje in nima interakcije s objekti. Potem pa se v bistvu video pretvori v animacijo, kjer razmetani objekti dobijo neki svoj ritem in novo življenje. Gledalec ima občutek, kot da se stvari same od sebe začenjajo urejati, in iz kaosa zapuščenega prostora nastajajo pravilni in včasih ponavljajoči se vzorci in ritmi.
Polonca Lovšin - Nazaj v mesto / Back to the City (00:13:34)
Production: Kud Obrat, 2011
Nazaj v mesto je video animacija, ki jo je avtorica izdelala na podlagi umetniške raziskave o čebelah in tematizira predvsem odnos človeka do okolja, hrane in narave v mestu in na podeželju. Z metodo stop-motion animacije, ki temelji na kolažih, je ustvarila zgodbo o čebelah, opraševanju, hrani in o tem, v kakšen odnosu je s tem človek. Avtorica je predstavila večplastne vzroke in učinke za porušeno in spremenjeno razmerje med podeželskim in mestnim okoljem, kajti urbano...
Production: Kud Obrat, 2011
Nazaj v mesto je video animacija, ki jo je avtorica izdelala na podlagi umetniške raziskave o čebelah in tematizira predvsem odnos človeka do okolja, hrane in narave v mestu in na podeželju. Z metodo stop-motion animacije, ki temelji na kolažih, je ustvarila zgodbo o čebelah, opraševanju, hrani in o tem, v kakšen odnosu je s tem človek. Avtorica je predstavila večplastne vzroke in učinke za porušeno in spremenjeno razmerje med podeželskim in mestnim okoljem, kajti urbano...
Sašo Sedlaček - Rekviem za umirajoči medij / Requiem for a Dying Medium (00:09:43)
Production: Aksioma - Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana, 2007, Galerija Kapelica - Zavod K6/4, 2007
Video je del avtorjeve Iniciative za ustanovitev avtonomne medijske cone Infokalipsa zdaj! Rekviem za umirajoči medij na nek način časti izginotje analognega signala iz množične rabe. Prostor, ki je bil dolga leta polje različnih bojev, je zdaj prazen in neizkoriščen. Polaganje zastave tik ob veliki anteni oddajnika na Nanosu pomeni zasedbo zapuščenega prostora, je navidezna okupacija, pirova zmaga, iz katere se vendarle zna zgoditi nekaj koristnega.
Production: Aksioma - Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana, 2007, Galerija Kapelica - Zavod K6/4, 2007
Video je del avtorjeve Iniciative za ustanovitev avtonomne medijske cone Infokalipsa zdaj! Rekviem za umirajoči medij na nek način časti izginotje analognega signala iz množične rabe. Prostor, ki je bil dolga leta polje različnih bojev, je zdaj prazen in neizkoriščen. Polaganje zastave tik ob veliki anteni oddajnika na Nanosu pomeni zasedbo zapuščenega prostora, je navidezna okupacija, pirova zmaga, iz katere se vendarle zna zgoditi nekaj koristnega.
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Nightmares of the New World (00:07:31)
Subtitle: Humans Crossing, Deafening Whispers, Alternative Facts in Nucleus Brass
Production: 2017
Series of three single-channel videos - Humans Crossing, Deafening Whispers / Alternative Facts, Nucleus Brass. The work of the video artist and filmmaker Nataša Prosenc Stearns is never directly illustrative, but her new series Nightmares of the New World is clearly a reaction to the bleak socio-political climate. The first three videos of the series: Humans Crossing, Deafening Whispers / Alternative Facts and Nucleus Brass, address the uncertainty of our physicality from an embryo to a robot, the rising...
Subtitle: Humans Crossing, Deafening Whispers, Alternative Facts in Nucleus Brass
Production: 2017
Series of three single-channel videos - Humans Crossing, Deafening Whispers / Alternative Facts, Nucleus Brass. The work of the video artist and filmmaker Nataša Prosenc Stearns is never directly illustrative, but her new series Nightmares of the New World is clearly a reaction to the bleak socio-political climate. The first three videos of the series: Humans Crossing, Deafening Whispers / Alternative Facts and Nucleus Brass, address the uncertainty of our physicality from an embryo to a robot, the rising...
RÁTNEEK - 2 0 4 5 (trailer) (00:00:45)
Production: 2016
“May 7th, 2045 I decided to go back home.” “For its architectural aesthetics accompanied by a peculiar soundscape leaving the audience in a timeless space, the best Slovenian Award goes to 2045 by Maja Prelog and Blaž Murn.” wrote the jury (Enrico Vannucci, Fritz Hock in Valerie Wolf Gang) awarding the film with The Best of FeKK SLO Award at the FeKK Ljubljana short film festival 2016. NOTE: On the artists' request, the on-line DIVA Station Archive presents only a short trailer. The...
Production: 2016
“May 7th, 2045 I decided to go back home.” “For its architectural aesthetics accompanied by a peculiar soundscape leaving the audience in a timeless space, the best Slovenian Award goes to 2045 by Maja Prelog and Blaž Murn.” wrote the jury (Enrico Vannucci, Fritz Hock in Valerie Wolf Gang) awarding the film with The Best of FeKK SLO Award at the FeKK Ljubljana short film festival 2016. NOTE: On the artists' request, the on-line DIVA Station Archive presents only a short trailer. The...
Danilo Milovanović - Cover (00:06:13)
Production: D.M., 2016
Video documentation of a performance in a public space, recorded in Prague in 2016. The artist laid down on the sidewalk, while his friend covered him with empty plastic bottles. The pile of bottles on top of him keeps growing, but passers-by, with exception of an elderly man, do not seem to take much interest for the man on the ground. The performance ends with the arrival of an ambulance car. The action is documented with two static cameras. One is recording from a nearby space on the ground floor, the o...
Production: D.M., 2016
Video documentation of a performance in a public space, recorded in Prague in 2016. The artist laid down on the sidewalk, while his friend covered him with empty plastic bottles. The pile of bottles on top of him keeps growing, but passers-by, with exception of an elderly man, do not seem to take much interest for the man on the ground. The performance ends with the arrival of an ambulance car. The action is documented with two static cameras. One is recording from a nearby space on the ground floor, the o...
Neža Knez - Square (13:00)
Production: N.K., 2019
Video is a documentation of a public action performed by the artist while on a residency in New York. Every day she was cleaning the same concrete square on the sidewalk in front of the entrance of her apartment. The first part of the video is recorded inside the car, where the cabbie enthusiastically explains Brooklyn. It is followed by clips of street traffic and the sidewalk. The second part of the video is composed of recordings of daily cleaning of the square on the sidewalk, shot from different angles. Th...
Production: N.K., 2019
Video is a documentation of a public action performed by the artist while on a residency in New York. Every day she was cleaning the same concrete square on the sidewalk in front of the entrance of her apartment. The first part of the video is recorded inside the car, where the cabbie enthusiastically explains Brooklyn. It is followed by clips of street traffic and the sidewalk. The second part of the video is composed of recordings of daily cleaning of the square on the sidewalk, shot from different angles. Th...