Darij Kreuh - Mine Mind Do you Mind (00:03:18)
Subtitle: Imena skulptur: Treadmill, Push it, Cabine
Production: 1993
Posnetek serije skulptur, ki delujejo kot nihala. Gre za interaktivno delo predmeta s predmeti in za dokumentarne posnetke iz razstave, v katere montaža minimalno poseže. Kamera posega v različne kote eksponatov, zato da jih lažje - razločneje vidimo.
DIVA rhythm
37 results in works
Zmago Lenardič - Fireworks (00:10:10)
Production: Zmago Lenardič, 2006
Video documentation of an installation presented in the exhibition Liquid Space II in 2006, shot with a static camera positioned in front of the work. A series of blinking red-light spots that switch on and off one after the other creates a rhythmic correspondence between the light and the music. The light seems challenging the perceptive faculties of the viewer by drawing a visual interpretation of Bach's Kleine Preludien and at the same time evoking the mechanism of a piano key. The spot reflections and t...
Production: Zmago Lenardič, 2006
Video documentation of an installation presented in the exhibition Liquid Space II in 2006, shot with a static camera positioned in front of the work. A series of blinking red-light spots that switch on and off one after the other creates a rhythmic correspondence between the light and the music. The light seems challenging the perceptive faculties of the viewer by drawing a visual interpretation of Bach's Kleine Preludien and at the same time evoking the mechanism of a piano key. The spot reflections and t...
Sašo Podgoršek - Cry Baby (00:03:26, 00:02:55)
Production: Nord Cross Production, 1993
Music video for the song Cry Baby of Slovenian group Demolition Group.
Production: Nord Cross Production, 1993
Music video for the song Cry Baby of Slovenian group Demolition Group.
Oliver Marčeta - Zelenjavna mavrica (00:03:06)
Polž iz plastelina, ki lovi svoj rep, drsi po površini ekrana, kjer se pojavijo tudi krogljice, ki spominjajo na zvezde. V središču pozornosti je njegova hiška, ki jo osvetljujejo različne barve. Video pogosto funkcionira kot abstraktna slika. Barvni in svetlobni kontrast je zelo močan in ustvarja psihedelično vzdušje.
Polž iz plastelina, ki lovi svoj rep, drsi po površini ekrana, kjer se pojavijo tudi krogljice, ki spominjajo na zvezde. V središču pozornosti je njegova hiška, ki jo osvetljujejo različne barve. Video pogosto funkcionira kot abstraktna slika. Barvni in svetlobni kontrast je zelo močan in ustvarja psihedelično vzdušje.
Oliver Marčeta - Avantgarde film (00:05:18)
Računalniško producirane črte - vertikalne in horizontalne, sinhrono z glasbo prekrivajo površino ekrana. Glasba spominja na odrezavo pihanje vetra, ki je silovito in se stopnjuje, črte pa se z njo redčijo in gostijo - ekspresivno.
Računalniško producirane črte - vertikalne in horizontalne, sinhrono z glasbo prekrivajo površino ekrana. Glasba spominja na odrezavo pihanje vetra, ki je silovito in se stopnjuje, črte pa se z njo redčijo in gostijo - ekspresivno.
Mirko Simić - Back to the Bible (00:03:41)
Production: Bris, 1992
The author collects inserts from various sources: Eisenstein's Battleship Potemkin, Lang's Metropolis, Reggio's Koyanisquatsi, archive shots, etc. Editing by the repetition of images erases their source, and the editing of associations; builds a link between the spectators view and the title: the creation of images as a ritual and the return to primeval man. (VD)
Production: Bris, 1992
The author collects inserts from various sources: Eisenstein's Battleship Potemkin, Lang's Metropolis, Reggio's Koyanisquatsi, archive shots, etc. Editing by the repetition of images erases their source, and the editing of associations; builds a link between the spectators view and the title: the creation of images as a ritual and the return to primeval man. (VD)
Miha Vipotnik - Video 8 Sketch Tape No. 3 (01:25)
Production: CalArts, 1988
The mechanical measurement of time presented by a non-functioning clock is the background for the circling of the camera, and thus for the measuring of time. Noises of hammering and of editing procedures are heard in the background. The circling of the camera rhythmically cuts the frozen image. The suspense is growing and the image changes into a female body with the sounds from the background. A movement of the prone body, like the stretching of a ballerina's legs, gives the impression of lightness, which...
Production: CalArts, 1988
The mechanical measurement of time presented by a non-functioning clock is the background for the circling of the camera, and thus for the measuring of time. Noises of hammering and of editing procedures are heard in the background. The circling of the camera rhythmically cuts the frozen image. The suspense is growing and the image changes into a female body with the sounds from the background. A movement of the prone body, like the stretching of a ballerina's legs, gives the impression of lightness, which...
Zemira Alajbegović - Vortex (00:04:04)
Production: TV Slovenija, 2000
Music video of Iztok Turk (DJ plasma). Vortex is a video limited to rigid symmetrical space which nevertheless shows an extraordinary abundance of shapes. This compositional matrix with a simple concept contains affluence of visual contents connected to the utopia present in the music.
Production: TV Slovenija, 2000
Music video of Iztok Turk (DJ plasma). Vortex is a video limited to rigid symmetrical space which nevertheless shows an extraordinary abundance of shapes. This compositional matrix with a simple concept contains affluence of visual contents connected to the utopia present in the music.
Duba Sambolec - Shadowless B (21:08)
Subtitle: NoHomeVideos©
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2000
Two-channel video perfomance consists of two videos, Shadowless A and Shadowless B, which are screened side by side. The left video (Shadowless A) shows the figure in the room, and the right (Shadowless B) focuses on the face. Both videos share the same sound. The performance is set in an empty space in which the blindfolded author tries to find her way around. A voice from the background is unintelligibly guiding her, at times a sound of repeating punches is heard. The author tries to use a binocular, whic...
Subtitle: NoHomeVideos©
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2000
Two-channel video perfomance consists of two videos, Shadowless A and Shadowless B, which are screened side by side. The left video (Shadowless A) shows the figure in the room, and the right (Shadowless B) focuses on the face. Both videos share the same sound. The performance is set in an empty space in which the blindfolded author tries to find her way around. A voice from the background is unintelligibly guiding her, at times a sound of repeating punches is heard. The author tries to use a binocular, whic...
Vesna Čadež - Med vožnjo / During the Drive (0:02:19)
Production: 2007
Video is following a journey with a train. The author uses image to explore movement, surroundings, the game of fast and slower movement reflected on the traces of speed of the outer, natural occurrence. Video is deliberately made in black and white technique, which emphasizes the graphic appearance of the structures and traces of the journey. The author explores the eternal search of innumerable and unrepeatable possibilities of gazes through the window following each other in a story of journey through a...
Production: 2007
Video is following a journey with a train. The author uses image to explore movement, surroundings, the game of fast and slower movement reflected on the traces of speed of the outer, natural occurrence. Video is deliberately made in black and white technique, which emphasizes the graphic appearance of the structures and traces of the journey. The author explores the eternal search of innumerable and unrepeatable possibilities of gazes through the window following each other in a story of journey through a...