Polonca Lovšin - Water Collector (00:00:23)
Subtitle: Ulica
Production: 2002
A video document of the project Water Collector in which the author is walking through town on a rainy day, collecting water into her umbrella which is turned inside out and held above her.
DIVA water
59 results in works
Polonca Lovšin - Nomadi / Vroče poletno vozilo (00:02:40)
Production: 2000-2002
The author is building an improvised vehicle with a group of her friends and then uses it to sail on the lake. The static camera first shows accelerated shots of construction which slow down to real speed at the end of the video, when she finally sails away.
Production: 2000-2002
The author is building an improvised vehicle with a group of her friends and then uses it to sail on the lake. The static camera first shows accelerated shots of construction which slow down to real speed at the end of the video, when she finally sails away.
Damijan Kracina - Kocka / Cube (0:03:39)
Production: 1995
A group event staged in public spaces - at a bus stop and in the garden of the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana - took place on 22 March, World Water Day. The event was intended to draw attention to this day not by moralising, but by emphasising the joy of living. The main element in the video is a sponge cube with holes, which hides the artist. The water theme is further emphasised by the prevailing blue colour of the picture. The members of the group water the sponge at both locations – the bus sto...
Production: 1995
A group event staged in public spaces - at a bus stop and in the garden of the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana - took place on 22 March, World Water Day. The event was intended to draw attention to this day not by moralising, but by emphasising the joy of living. The main element in the video is a sponge cube with holes, which hides the artist. The water theme is further emphasised by the prevailing blue colour of the picture. The members of the group water the sponge at both locations – the bus sto...
Mirko Simić - Do you hear the sound of silence (00:03:02)
Production: Bris & V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana, 1992
A black and white video which builds on the details of the body under the shower. The images are not disturbed either by sounds or music because - as the title says - only the silence can be heard. That the eye of the video camera is always voyeuristic is best illustrated by the detail of the bath drain, a fetishistic and 'psychotic' object of the greatest voyeur among film directors - Hitchcock. (VD)
Production: Bris & V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana, 1992
A black and white video which builds on the details of the body under the shower. The images are not disturbed either by sounds or music because - as the title says - only the silence can be heard. That the eye of the video camera is always voyeuristic is best illustrated by the detail of the bath drain, a fetishistic and 'psychotic' object of the greatest voyeur among film directors - Hitchcock. (VD)
Ana Nuša Dragan - Lyhnida (00:08:47)
Production: TV Skopje, 1989
A woman's body communicates with its surroundings; it is a receptor of the macrocosm that bears traces of all other laws, including even the physiology with all its energetic zones. This is the energy that corresponds to spiritual experiences, which also depend on the body technique. The communicability can be understood, among other things, as one of the variations of the functioning of the body within the sequential regime of signs.(source: Ana Nuša Dragan)
Production: TV Skopje, 1989
A woman's body communicates with its surroundings; it is a receptor of the macrocosm that bears traces of all other laws, including even the physiology with all its energetic zones. This is the energy that corresponds to spiritual experiences, which also depend on the body technique. The communicability can be understood, among other things, as one of the variations of the functioning of the body within the sequential regime of signs.(source: Ana Nuša Dragan)
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - The Beach (00:05:51)
Production: Kanalya Pictures, 2004
Selected moments from Venice Beach. Shot with exerimental recording technique, which combines DV camera, film lenses, and an adaptor for converting the film image to digital signal.
Production: Kanalya Pictures, 2004
Selected moments from Venice Beach. Shot with exerimental recording technique, which combines DV camera, film lenses, and an adaptor for converting the film image to digital signal.
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Swimming the Dark (00:03:52)
Production: Kanalya Pictures, 2005
Underwater recordings filmed by a swimmer accompanied with sounds of water streams and machines.
Production: Kanalya Pictures, 2005
Underwater recordings filmed by a swimmer accompanied with sounds of water streams and machines.
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Crossing (0:04:59)
Production: Kanalya Pictures, 2005
Video Crossing contains different layers of recordings. A close-up of a face is covered with a layer of tracks of fire and water. The combination gives impressions of the layers shading and blending. The viewer faces a sequence of video projections moving from realistic to abstract. Installation is a display of transformation attracting the viewer to change, metamorphosis and decomposing of images.
Production: Kanalya Pictures, 2005
Video Crossing contains different layers of recordings. A close-up of a face is covered with a layer of tracks of fire and water. The combination gives impressions of the layers shading and blending. The viewer faces a sequence of video projections moving from realistic to abstract. Installation is a display of transformation attracting the viewer to change, metamorphosis and decomposing of images.
Nataša Skušek - Lebdenje (00:04:31)
Production: 2004
V videu avtorica leži v vodi in spominja na Ofelijo, ki je postala ikona obupane ženske. Ko leži v vodi in mimo nje namesto rož, kot na sliki Ophelie Johna Evereta Millaisa, plavajo odsevi kamenja, je popolna. Ne upira se več igri okoli nje in izpolnila bo usodo, ki so si jo zamislili drugi. Vendar ta rumena obleka, zaprte oči in razprte roke naznanjajo, da nekaj sprejema. Zaveda se, da je odigrala dobro vlogo, ve, da bo preživela v našem spominu kot lepa podoba.
Production: 2004
V videu avtorica leži v vodi in spominja na Ofelijo, ki je postala ikona obupane ženske. Ko leži v vodi in mimo nje namesto rož, kot na sliki Ophelie Johna Evereta Millaisa, plavajo odsevi kamenja, je popolna. Ne upira se več igri okoli nje in izpolnila bo usodo, ki so si jo zamislili drugi. Vendar ta rumena obleka, zaprte oči in razprte roke naznanjajo, da nekaj sprejema. Zaveda se, da je odigrala dobro vlogo, ve, da bo preživela v našem spominu kot lepa podoba.
Damijan Kracina - Intervju z ogroženo vrsto / /Interview with the Threatened Kind (00:02:25)
Production: 1997
A clip from the compilation Zoospective shows underground footage of the Soča trout, which is endangered due to irresponsible human behaviour and farming of trout, which is an invasive species in the natural habitat of the local species. The trout looks directly at the camera, silently opening its mouth, indicating that humans neither listen to it, nor hear it.
Production: 1997
A clip from the compilation Zoospective shows underground footage of the Soča trout, which is endangered due to irresponsible human behaviour and farming of trout, which is an invasive species in the natural habitat of the local species. The trout looks directly at the camera, silently opening its mouth, indicating that humans neither listen to it, nor hear it.