Marko Košnik - Cukrarna (08:50)
Production: Egon March Institute (2001), 1994-1995
Cukrarna (Zuckerhaus, Sugarhouse) A video document (8:25) realized in out of 34 minutes performance performed at: - Opening of Medienbiennale Leipzig, 1994 (premiere) - Cankarjev dom - Linhartova dvorana, Ljubljana, 1995 - Galerija Kapelica, Ljubljana, 1995
Choreography and dance: Mateja Bučar Screenplay, directing of the show and the video, original sound track: Marko Košnik Video projection part realized with Videoprodukcija Kregar Web video document produced by Egon March Institute in 2001
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DIVA 1995
28 results in works
Damijan Kracina - Žeblji / Nails (00:06:34)
Production: Akademija za likovno umetnost, Ljubljana, 1995
The black-and-white footage of a performance shot from a static camera dates to the time when the artist was studying at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana. The performer looks at sculpted busts, and hammers nails into them, seeking a way to examine the traditional sculptural format without employing a process of construction or deconstruction. The work is also humorous, as if the artist were trying to say that the sculpture is ‘hammered’ in the head.
Production: Akademija za likovno umetnost, Ljubljana, 1995
The black-and-white footage of a performance shot from a static camera dates to the time when the artist was studying at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana. The performer looks at sculpted busts, and hammers nails into them, seeking a way to examine the traditional sculptural format without employing a process of construction or deconstruction. The work is also humorous, as if the artist were trying to say that the sculpture is ‘hammered’ in the head.
Jasna Hribernik - Ballabende (00:21:46)
Production: TV Slovenija, 1995
At first glance the video works as a research of the past. An expressive study set in a nostalgic landscape takes music and dance as its medium. The protagonist is a dancer and the set is an old house full of memories. Scenes of ballet dancing and piano playing are combined with shots of old photographs due to associative montage. Passing of time is emphasized by scenes of water overflowing a well and of running clouds. Spirit of the past is strengthen by editing with shadows and sepia filter. This idyllic...
Production: TV Slovenija, 1995
At first glance the video works as a research of the past. An expressive study set in a nostalgic landscape takes music and dance as its medium. The protagonist is a dancer and the set is an old house full of memories. Scenes of ballet dancing and piano playing are combined with shots of old photographs due to associative montage. Passing of time is emphasized by scenes of water overflowing a well and of running clouds. Spirit of the past is strengthen by editing with shadows and sepia filter. This idyllic...
Marko A. Kovačič - Naprej v preteklost / Forth Into the Past (0:09:30)
Production: Forum Ljubljana, VPK, 1995
The video deals with our understanding of the distant future, presented through a concrete example of the 23rd-century archaeology. A narration of a professor archaeologist leads us through the story as he guides his student through one of the main archaeological sites in the City of Catastropolis, where so-called Plastoses, who (will) survived the atomic catastrophe in 2223 live. These half-organic half-mechanical creatures form a comprehensive civilisation of Plastos, which is the author's subject in a se...
Production: Forum Ljubljana, VPK, 1995
The video deals with our understanding of the distant future, presented through a concrete example of the 23rd-century archaeology. A narration of a professor archaeologist leads us through the story as he guides his student through one of the main archaeological sites in the City of Catastropolis, where so-called Plastoses, who (will) survived the atomic catastrophe in 2223 live. These half-organic half-mechanical creatures form a comprehensive civilisation of Plastos, which is the author's subject in a se...
Ema Kugler - The Visitor (00:26:41)
Production: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana, VPK & Viba film, 1995
The artist insists on the duality of human nature: the same dreadfulness is part of both the mythical and the real world. The duality is explicitly presented by means of electronic effects that can petrify a human face, or wall-up a human body in a few seconds. Human figures dressed in extravagant costumes are returned back to nature by means of electronic effects: a man in a costume reminiscent of a bird transforms into a real bird. The costumed and real birds are accentuated by the bird's eye view, which...
Production: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana, VPK & Viba film, 1995
The artist insists on the duality of human nature: the same dreadfulness is part of both the mythical and the real world. The duality is explicitly presented by means of electronic effects that can petrify a human face, or wall-up a human body in a few seconds. Human figures dressed in extravagant costumes are returned back to nature by means of electronic effects: a man in a costume reminiscent of a bird transforms into a real bird. The costumed and real birds are accentuated by the bird's eye view, which...
Neven Korda, Zemira Alajbegović - The Sand Collectors (00:12:34)
Production: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana & TV Slovenija, 1995
Video work tells a story of an art collector as remembered by herself in her old age, and as narrated by her friend, a psychoanalyst. Thru this narrative the authors deal with the spirit of avant-garde art in the first half of the 20th century. By layering black and white and colour images and sounds the work creates a deep and lively emotional space. (Source: Videodokument)
Production: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana & TV Slovenija, 1995
Video work tells a story of an art collector as remembered by herself in her old age, and as narrated by her friend, a psychoanalyst. Thru this narrative the authors deal with the spirit of avant-garde art in the first half of the 20th century. By layering black and white and colour images and sounds the work creates a deep and lively emotional space. (Source: Videodokument)
Darij Kreuh - Bližina / Closeness (00:06:31)
Production: 1995
Kiparski pogled na človeka-moškega, ki se primerja z antičnim bogom in ki obenem skuša biti razumljen v sodobnem svetu. Telo je v črno-beli video podobi oživljen marmorni kip, ponovno zamrznjen in kot podoba oziroma koncept antično-renesančnega človeka postavljen kot zaslon in referenčni okvir, na katerega in v kontekst katerega se skozi prelive dveh slik projicira burno gibanje naravnih elementov. Prostor bivanjskega okolja ulice - posredovan skozi prvoosebni pogled empiričnga doživetja sprehod...
Production: 1995
Kiparski pogled na človeka-moškega, ki se primerja z antičnim bogom in ki obenem skuša biti razumljen v sodobnem svetu. Telo je v črno-beli video podobi oživljen marmorni kip, ponovno zamrznjen in kot podoba oziroma koncept antično-renesančnega človeka postavljen kot zaslon in referenčni okvir, na katerega in v kontekst katerega se skozi prelive dveh slik projicira burno gibanje naravnih elementov. Prostor bivanjskega okolja ulice - posredovan skozi prvoosebni pogled empiričnga doživetja sprehod...
Damijan Kracina - Kocka / Cube (0:03:39)
Production: 1995
A group event staged in public spaces - at a bus stop and in the garden of the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana - took place on 22 March, World Water Day. The event was intended to draw attention to this day not by moralising, but by emphasising the joy of living. The main element in the video is a sponge cube with holes, which hides the artist. The water theme is further emphasised by the prevailing blue colour of the picture. The members of the group water the sponge at both locations – the bus sto...
Production: 1995
A group event staged in public spaces - at a bus stop and in the garden of the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana - took place on 22 March, World Water Day. The event was intended to draw attention to this day not by moralising, but by emphasising the joy of living. The main element in the video is a sponge cube with holes, which hides the artist. The water theme is further emphasised by the prevailing blue colour of the picture. The members of the group water the sponge at both locations – the bus sto...
Damijan Kracina - Koncert za bas kitaro in gipsasto kocko (00:01:04)
Production: 1995
The Concert for Bass Guitar and Plaster Cube was performed by the artist in 1993 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana, where he studied sculpture between 1991 and 1995. The brief performance refers to the main issues of contemporary sculpture, exploring the relationship between the static nature of sculpting material and the experimental sound landscape. The performance projects several procedures which can be detected in the artist’s later work, a mixture of experimental and elementary sculpture,...
Production: 1995
The Concert for Bass Guitar and Plaster Cube was performed by the artist in 1993 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana, where he studied sculpture between 1991 and 1995. The brief performance refers to the main issues of contemporary sculpture, exploring the relationship between the static nature of sculpting material and the experimental sound landscape. The performance projects several procedures which can be detected in the artist’s later work, a mixture of experimental and elementary sculpture,...