Jasna Hribernik, Zmago Lenardič - Elsa und Lohengrin (0:03:15)
Production: VPK, 1997
A variation on Wagner and his opera Lohengrin. There is no Wagnerian hero, but a ballerina dancing to the opera, which later transforms into a modern song, and the ballerina also turns into a modern dancer. Both dancers, however, resemble a woman covered with roses and lying under transparent plastic - Snow White, or Laura Palmer? (source: Videodokument)
DIVA 1997
35 results in works
Jasna Hribernik - Carte Postale (06:32)
Production: TV Slovenija, 1997
By layering of pictures the artist succeded in simultaneously presenting the past and the present. Destruction of a house represents the present, and fragments from letters written by people who used to live in the house represent the past. An off-screen voice reads the letters, but the sounds soon become unintelligible - for who gives us the right to rummage through the intimacies of these anonymous people? Anonymous they shall remain. For a moment we even see their faces in photographs, but these photogra...
Production: TV Slovenija, 1997
By layering of pictures the artist succeded in simultaneously presenting the past and the present. Destruction of a house represents the present, and fragments from letters written by people who used to live in the house represent the past. An off-screen voice reads the letters, but the sounds soon become unintelligible - for who gives us the right to rummage through the intimacies of these anonymous people? Anonymous they shall remain. For a moment we even see their faces in photographs, but these photogra...
Ema Kugler - Station 25 (00:30:08)
Production: Forum Ljubljana & VPK, 1997
The artist continues with her main preoccupations: the relationship between a man and a woman, the irruption of the mythical into the rituals of everyday life. The video film uses the numerous potentials of electronic manipulation of the picture. The finest scenes are those of "morphing" (electronic transformation), where a figure from a painted canvas turns into an identical figure on the video screen, or the latter "freezes" into a figure on a fixed picture. The artist once again insists on the real natur...
Production: Forum Ljubljana & VPK, 1997
The artist continues with her main preoccupations: the relationship between a man and a woman, the irruption of the mythical into the rituals of everyday life. The video film uses the numerous potentials of electronic manipulation of the picture. The finest scenes are those of "morphing" (electronic transformation), where a figure from a painted canvas turns into an identical figure on the video screen, or the latter "freezes" into a figure on a fixed picture. The artist once again insists on the real natur...
Oliver Marčeta, Niko Šturm - Hotel Intercontinental (00:10:04)
Production: Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst in Wien, 1997
Dva moška se peljeta v kočiji med dunajskimi palačami. Pred eno izmed palač ju pričaka postrešček in ju pospremi v dvorec, kjer jima postreže s kavo in z žganjem. Moška začneta slikati na platno. Ko se njuno ustvarjalno delo konča, sedeta na kavč, nato se prikaže postrešček, ki ju ustreli in v sobi obesi za noge. Video namenoma vzbuja vtis starih posnetkov, kar kombinira s hitrimi kadri in dinamično kamero.
Production: Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst in Wien, 1997
Dva moška se peljeta v kočiji med dunajskimi palačami. Pred eno izmed palač ju pričaka postrešček in ju pospremi v dvorec, kjer jima postreže s kavo in z žganjem. Moška začneta slikati na platno. Ko se njuno ustvarjalno delo konča, sedeta na kavč, nato se prikaže postrešček, ki ju ustreli in v sobi obesi za noge. Video namenoma vzbuja vtis starih posnetkov, kar kombinira s hitrimi kadri in dinamično kamero.
Damijan Kracina - Aquarium (00:01:12)
Production: 1997
Underwater footage of a flock of rainbow trout, one of the species that, due to man's excessive and irresponsible exploitation of nature, began to displace the Soča trout. The swimming fish opening their mouths are silent witnesses of human actions.
Production: 1997
Underwater footage of a flock of rainbow trout, one of the species that, due to man's excessive and irresponsible exploitation of nature, began to displace the Soča trout. The swimming fish opening their mouths are silent witnesses of human actions.
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Meja / Border (0:04:32)
Production: Center RTV Maribor, TV Slovenija, 1997
The video focuses on the concept of skin, which is the borderline between the body and its surroundings. The picture consciously rejects all sophisticated visual manipulation and instead uses basic visual effects: the play of light and shadow, and colour changes. The varying rhythm of the editing changes the vibration of skin - the image animates its life.
Production: Center RTV Maribor, TV Slovenija, 1997
The video focuses on the concept of skin, which is the borderline between the body and its surroundings. The picture consciously rejects all sophisticated visual manipulation and instead uses basic visual effects: the play of light and shadow, and colour changes. The varying rhythm of the editing changes the vibration of skin - the image animates its life.
Andrej Lupinc - Odvrženi (00:42:42)
Subtitle: Adaptacija gledališke igre Roberto Zucco
Production: TV Slovenija, 1997
The story of a tourist who gets lost in a South American metropolis. He wanders into a dangerous suburb, where he meets a strange family and Roberto Zucco - the adventurer, poet and murderer.
Subtitle: Adaptacija gledališke igre Roberto Zucco
Production: TV Slovenija, 1997
The story of a tourist who gets lost in a South American metropolis. He wanders into a dangerous suburb, where he meets a strange family and Roberto Zucco - the adventurer, poet and murderer.
Sašo Podgoršek - Adaggio (00:05:36)
Production: 1997
Mucis video for the song Adaggio by Slovenian group Enzo Fabiani quartet.
Production: 1997
Mucis video for the song Adaggio by Slovenian group Enzo Fabiani quartet.
Sašo Podgoršek - Basin Street Blues (00:02:42)
Production: 1997
Music video for the song Basin Street Blues, performed by singer Aleš Hadalin.
Production: 1997
Music video for the song Basin Street Blues, performed by singer Aleš Hadalin.
Sašo Podgoršek - Videospoti Saša Podgorška (00:43:14)
Production: 1997
Videspoti različnih izvajalcev. Adagio in Basin street blues sta iz kratkega filma Vrtoglavi ptič. Glasbeni sporti po vrstnem redu so: Demolition group: Cry baby, Model, U tvojim očima, You never cry. Vlado Kreslin: Joužek. Anja Rupel: Odšla bom še to noč. Komputer: Valentina. Laibach: God is god. Enzo Fabiani Kvartet: Adagio. Aleš Hadalin: Basin Street blues. Produkcija od leta 1993 do 1997.
Production: 1997
Videspoti različnih izvajalcev. Adagio in Basin street blues sta iz kratkega filma Vrtoglavi ptič. Glasbeni sporti po vrstnem redu so: Demolition group: Cry baby, Model, U tvojim očima, You never cry. Vlado Kreslin: Joužek. Anja Rupel: Odšla bom še to noč. Komputer: Valentina. Laibach: God is god. Enzo Fabiani Kvartet: Adagio. Aleš Hadalin: Basin Street blues. Produkcija od leta 1993 do 1997.