Vuk Ćosić - Deep ASCII (01:00:05)
Production: 1998
The ASCII conversion of the famous porno film Deep Throat.The author reduces volume of the image to a combination of black and green with various symbols. He is interested about durability of data, but also posses a more complex question about the transfer of information. Video Deep ASCII plays with the limit where information disappears.
DIVA 1998
16 results in works
Jasna Hribernik - Hiša nasprotij / House of Contrasts (00:20:17)
Production: TV Slovenija, 1998
Video documents a day in a house, where both the main Ljubljana food market and Christian seminary are based. Lively, ordinary conversations with the vendors blend with scenes from peaceful clerical life, which goes on undisturbed in the upper storeys of the same building. While the first, engaged with the earth and the material side of being, the second deal with spiritual and soulful aspect of life. Through the narrator the author questions about existence of life beyond matter. Classical documentary sh...
Production: TV Slovenija, 1998
Video documents a day in a house, where both the main Ljubljana food market and Christian seminary are based. Lively, ordinary conversations with the vendors blend with scenes from peaceful clerical life, which goes on undisturbed in the upper storeys of the same building. While the first, engaged with the earth and the material side of being, the second deal with spiritual and soulful aspect of life. Through the narrator the author questions about existence of life beyond matter. Classical documentary sh...
Media Teror, Rok Sieberer Kuri - Media Teror Chroma Quart Mix (mix II.) (00:03:39)
Production: Media Teror, 1998
Fast changing images of a city, TV recordings, nature and objects inside nature, which are completed with art forms by different editing techniques. Dynamic hand held camera shots are processed with overlaps and chroma key effect. The content is hidden in the gaps: in the symbolic forms and association leaps in the selection of the shots, atmospheres and surroundings. Synchronous image and sound make the work resemble a music video.
Production: Media Teror, 1998
Fast changing images of a city, TV recordings, nature and objects inside nature, which are completed with art forms by different editing techniques. Dynamic hand held camera shots are processed with overlaps and chroma key effect. The content is hidden in the gaps: in the symbolic forms and association leaps in the selection of the shots, atmospheres and surroundings. Synchronous image and sound make the work resemble a music video.
Media Teror, Rok Sieberer Kuri - Media Teror Croma Quart Mix (mix III.) (00:06:44)
Production: Media Teror, 1998
Hitro menjujoče podobe mesta, televizijskih posnetkov, narave in objektov v naravi, ki jih z različnimi montažnimi tehnikami dopolnjujejo likovne forme. Gre za prekrivanje in croma key, posnetki kamere so večinoma iz roke in so dinamični, izgleda da gre za naključno lovljenje materiala. Vsebina je skrita v vrzelih: simbolnih formah in asociacijskih preskokih izbire posnetkov, ambientov in okolja. Gmote posnetkov prehajajo in se kopičijo - prekrivanje v izbranih kompozicijah, ki so zelo likovne. Na vi...
Production: Media Teror, 1998
Hitro menjujoče podobe mesta, televizijskih posnetkov, narave in objektov v naravi, ki jih z različnimi montažnimi tehnikami dopolnjujejo likovne forme. Gre za prekrivanje in croma key, posnetki kamere so večinoma iz roke in so dinamični, izgleda da gre za naključno lovljenje materiala. Vsebina je skrita v vrzelih: simbolnih formah in asociacijskih preskokih izbire posnetkov, ambientov in okolja. Gmote posnetkov prehajajo in se kopičijo - prekrivanje v izbranih kompozicijah, ki so zelo likovne. Na vi...
Rok Sieberer Kuri - Media Teror Chroma Quart Mix II (00:04:18)
Production: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana, 1998
Kratek video kolaž. Avtor se poigrava z lastno produkcijo in jo kombinira v novo celoto.
Production: V.S. Video / Forum Ljubljana, 1998
Kratek video kolaž. Avtor se poigrava z lastno produkcijo in jo kombinira v novo celoto.
Alenka Pirman, Maja Šubic - Ajiaco (0:05:15)
Production: Ljudmila, 1998
In this video by Alenka Pirman and Maja Šubic, the artists present the traditional Colombian dish ajiaco and through photographs describe the land and culture in which it originates. Adhering strictly to the cooking show genre, they set about preparing a dish that, from now on, we too can make for ourselves in Slovenia. A certain irony is audible in what the artists say, although the tone of their speech is never less than proper. At the end of the video they enjoy the ajiaco with the popular singer Ja...
Production: Ljudmila, 1998
In this video by Alenka Pirman and Maja Šubic, the artists present the traditional Colombian dish ajiaco and through photographs describe the land and culture in which it originates. Adhering strictly to the cooking show genre, they set about preparing a dish that, from now on, we too can make for ourselves in Slovenia. A certain irony is audible in what the artists say, although the tone of their speech is never less than proper. At the end of the video they enjoy the ajiaco with the popular singer Ja...
Apolonija Šušteršič - Bonnevoie by day & night (0:07:54)
Production: 1998
Video odslikuje podobo predela mesta Bonnevoie. Razgibana kamera raziskuje prostor, snema ključne točke četrti (železniška postaja, mestne ulice, gradbišče, privatne in javne prostore). Raziskovanje delovnega in bivalnega prostora mesta in njegovih prostorov za kulturno dejavnost. Bonnevoie je mestna četrt, ki slovi kot najbolj mešan predel Luksemburga z 80% emigrantske populacije.
Production: 1998
Video odslikuje podobo predela mesta Bonnevoie. Razgibana kamera raziskuje prostor, snema ključne točke četrti (železniška postaja, mestne ulice, gradbišče, privatne in javne prostore). Raziskovanje delovnega in bivalnega prostora mesta in njegovih prostorov za kulturno dejavnost. Bonnevoie je mestna četrt, ki slovi kot najbolj mešan predel Luksemburga z 80% emigrantske populacije.
Apolonija Šušteršič - How To Make Orange Juice I (0:02:08)
Production: 1998
Podroben potek priprave naravnega pomarančnega soka v domači kuhinji. Notranjost Juice Bara sestavljajo zelene plošče, ki služijo kot 11-metrski bar in barski stoli, oranžne stene in tla, mize in stoli, ki jih je oblikoval Arne Vehovar za Magis, naslovni logotip Irene Woelle, skodelice z odtisnjenim logotipom, sokovniki, posode, pomaranče, hladilnik in koši za smeti.
Production: 1998
Podroben potek priprave naravnega pomarančnega soka v domači kuhinji. Notranjost Juice Bara sestavljajo zelene plošče, ki služijo kot 11-metrski bar in barski stoli, oranžne stene in tla, mize in stoli, ki jih je oblikoval Arne Vehovar za Magis, naslovni logotip Irene Woelle, skodelice z odtisnjenim logotipom, sokovniki, posode, pomaranče, hladilnik in koši za smeti.
Apolonija Šušteršič - (Cre)Action Directe (0:13:57)
Subtitle: Intervju z Riek van der Kerchove
Production: 1998
Pogovor z ustvarjalcem in producentom Rickom van der Kerchovom. Kamera ne snema intervjujanca, ampak spremlja dogajanje v skoraj preznem baru v Luxemburgu. Pogovor je bil uporabljen za potrebe festivala Manifesta.
Subtitle: Intervju z Riek van der Kerchove
Production: 1998
Pogovor z ustvarjalcem in producentom Rickom van der Kerchovom. Kamera ne snema intervjujanca, ampak spremlja dogajanje v skoraj preznem baru v Luxemburgu. Pogovor je bil uporabljen za potrebe festivala Manifesta.
Rok Sieberer Kuri - Media Teror Chroma Quart Mix III (00:11:54)
Production: Media Teror / V.S. video / Forum Ljubljana, 1998
Kratek video kolaž kot zaključek video trilogije Media Teror Chroma Quart Mix - skrajšana verzija Media Teror Chroma Quart Mix II.
Production: Media Teror / V.S. video / Forum Ljubljana, 1998
Kratek video kolaž kot zaključek video trilogije Media Teror Chroma Quart Mix - skrajšana verzija Media Teror Chroma Quart Mix II.