Miha Vipotnik - Shorts for TV (10:00)
Subtitle: TV announcements, shows inserts and commercials
Production: 1974/2002
TV announcements and inserts from TV shows from the 1980s show the creative work of Miha Vipotnik for public television (RTV Ljubljana). TV commercials made by Miha Vipotnik for various Slovenian producers and their brands between 1996 and 2002 show a skill in balancing the client's requirements and desires and Vipotnik's tendency to experiment in framing, editing and inserting unusual procedures also into this commercial genre. Often, the commercials have a cinematic effect, which may also override the pri...
DIVA 2002
33 results in works
Polonca Lovšin - Nomadi / Vroče poletno vozilo (00:02:40)
Production: 2000-2002
The author is building an improvised vehicle with a group of her friends and then uses it to sail on the lake. The static camera first shows accelerated shots of construction which slow down to real speed at the end of the video, when she finally sails away.
Production: 2000-2002
The author is building an improvised vehicle with a group of her friends and then uses it to sail on the lake. The static camera first shows accelerated shots of construction which slow down to real speed at the end of the video, when she finally sails away.
Duba Sambolec - Collectors #2 (15:15)
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2001/2002
Video work is a research in the field of personal memories, their collected fragments, of the articulation of holes in the memory and missing evidence. The whispering of the author follows the whole line of recordings in a nondramatic, mystical and calming manner and works as a narration. Shots transition from focused to blurry in a slow rhythm. The video is limited with a round frame. In a series of works Collectors the author deals with an individual trapped in a subordinate position and with personal mem...
Production: Duba Sambolec, 2001/2002
Video work is a research in the field of personal memories, their collected fragments, of the articulation of holes in the memory and missing evidence. The whispering of the author follows the whole line of recordings in a nondramatic, mystical and calming manner and works as a narration. Shots transition from focused to blurry in a slow rhythm. The video is limited with a round frame. In a series of works Collectors the author deals with an individual trapped in a subordinate position and with personal mem...
Polonca Lovšin - Always Better (00:01:27)
Subtitle: Street
Production: 2002
The video thematises footage from the artist's childhood: together with her sister, she demonstrated gymnastic exercises for the camera in the back garden of their family home. The sisters repeated the same routine, in the same place, in the present.
Subtitle: Street
Production: 2002
The video thematises footage from the artist's childhood: together with her sister, she demonstrated gymnastic exercises for the camera in the back garden of their family home. The sisters repeated the same routine, in the same place, in the present.
Marjan Gumilar - Pogled (00:06:38)
Production: Marjan Gumilar, 2002
Avtor posname svoj vsakdan na statičen način. Video je posnet v enem samem kadru in prikazuje par v stanovanju, prepravljenem z dnevno svetlobo. Na radiu slišimo jazz glasbo, ki je obenem najbolj dramatičen element videa in omogača tako moški kot ženski osebi, da naselita video brez da bi komunicirala. Moški gleda skozi okno in občuduje razgled, ženska pa bere na postelji. Z odsotnostjo komunikacije - osebe so dejansko ujete v melanholičnost dolgočasnega vsakdana -, postane njuno stanovanje udob...
Production: Marjan Gumilar, 2002
Avtor posname svoj vsakdan na statičen način. Video je posnet v enem samem kadru in prikazuje par v stanovanju, prepravljenem z dnevno svetlobo. Na radiu slišimo jazz glasbo, ki je obenem najbolj dramatičen element videa in omogača tako moški kot ženski osebi, da naselita video brez da bi komunicirala. Moški gleda skozi okno in občuduje razgled, ženska pa bere na postelji. Z odsotnostjo komunikacije - osebe so dejansko ujete v melanholičnost dolgočasnega vsakdana -, postane njuno stanovanje udob...
Polonca Lovšin - Opazovalec (00:03:13)
Subtitle: Ulica
Production: 2002
The author is filming child play at a school playground. Her voyeuristic position allows her to observe a group of children having fun. She is filming them playing, but the filmed characters fail to notice their hidden observer.
Subtitle: Ulica
Production: 2002
The author is filming child play at a school playground. Her voyeuristic position allows her to observe a group of children having fun. She is filming them playing, but the filmed characters fail to notice their hidden observer.
Polonca Lovšin - Water Collector (00:00:23)
Subtitle: Ulica
Production: 2002
A video document of the project Water Collector in which the author is walking through town on a rainy day, collecting water into her umbrella which is turned inside out and held above her.
Subtitle: Ulica
Production: 2002
A video document of the project Water Collector in which the author is walking through town on a rainy day, collecting water into her umbrella which is turned inside out and held above her.
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Construct (00:12:00)
Production: Kanalya Pictures, 2002
Video documents construction of an enormous facility. Recordings are accompanied with the sounds of construction, occasional music soundtrack and narration dealing with the meaning and consequence of human action, also touching the subject of human existence. Camera ranges from totals to close-up of construction workers, machines and details of the building. Video ends with shots of finished object filmed from the air and with subtitles returning to the subjects from the narration by Gertrude Stein. Facil...
Production: Kanalya Pictures, 2002
Video documents construction of an enormous facility. Recordings are accompanied with the sounds of construction, occasional music soundtrack and narration dealing with the meaning and consequence of human action, also touching the subject of human existence. Camera ranges from totals to close-up of construction workers, machines and details of the building. Video ends with shots of finished object filmed from the air and with subtitles returning to the subjects from the narration by Gertrude Stein. Facil...
Rok Sieberer Kuri - Chroma Qart Mix Light + Ideology (Last part) (00:10:55)
Subtitle: Media Teror predstavlja Short Video Films
Production: Media Teror, 2002
Video v levem spodnjem kotu prikazuje proizvodni obrat za predelavo lignjev, posnetke pa spremlja poljudno-znanstveni komentar, ki podaja statistiko letne porabe lignjev. Sledi insert z vroče linije nedefiniranega nemškega TV programa in kompilacija podob/glasbe iz ostalih del.
Subtitle: Media Teror predstavlja Short Video Films
Production: Media Teror, 2002
Video v levem spodnjem kotu prikazuje proizvodni obrat za predelavo lignjev, posnetke pa spremlja poljudno-znanstveni komentar, ki podaja statistiko letne porabe lignjev. Sledi insert z vroče linije nedefiniranega nemškega TV programa in kompilacija podob/glasbe iz ostalih del.
Mladen Stropnik - Persone - art video seria (00:13:48)
Subtitle: ... Makaroni in my Bird, Stark, Infuzija, Gij3, Pa ne me jebat, Indy, Party...
Production: 2002
Video is composed of seventeen short videos with simple messages, where the happening is integrated into the sci-fi field, the life of cyborgs and sex life of the future. Identities of the characters are unrecognizable. It is a mixture of fantasy and realism.
Subtitle: ... Makaroni in my Bird, Stark, Infuzija, Gij3, Pa ne me jebat, Indy, Party...
Production: 2002
Video is composed of seventeen short videos with simple messages, where the happening is integrated into the sci-fi field, the life of cyborgs and sex life of the future. Identities of the characters are unrecognizable. It is a mixture of fantasy and realism.