Ksenija Čerče - fall... (00:08:09)
Production: Ksenija Čerče, 2005-2008
The video was created on the basis of three short videos, partly recorded during the artist's audio- visual studies in New York City. By naming it 'audio video', she emphasizes the key role that sound plays in her works. In individual sequences we follow the movement of persons, objects and animals, while the rhythm is based primarily on the presence and absence of sound and image, emphasized silence and darkness.
DIVA 2008
45 results in works
Amir Muratović - Slovenija skozi umetnost (Slovenski magazin) (00:28:19)
Production: RTV Slovenija, 2007/2008
Dokumentarni video prikazuje Slovenijo iz perspektive umetnikov. Kaže različne strategije in prakse umetnikov, ki na novo kontekstualizirajo pomen nacionalne kulture. Prakse, ki pogosto niso homogene in se dotikajo različnih domen slovenske kulturne scene, povezuje lik harmonikaša, ki napoveduje filmske akterje.
Production: RTV Slovenija, 2007/2008
Dokumentarni video prikazuje Slovenijo iz perspektive umetnikov. Kaže različne strategije in prakse umetnikov, ki na novo kontekstualizirajo pomen nacionalne kulture. Prakse, ki pogosto niso homogene in se dotikajo različnih domen slovenske kulturne scene, povezuje lik harmonikaša, ki napoveduje filmske akterje.
Borut Savski - Bowlfuls of Sound (00:03:34)
Production: 2008
Two sperical bowls (from the Dancers series) have simple motorics and a bit more complex sensorics. They are susceptible to the sound they hear, but they also coproduce the sound (compressed microphony). This is why the bowls are full of sound. They can see each other (infrared sensor) and then they change direction. This should allow for the bowls to slowly zigzag closer to each other, which doesn’t really interests us anymore, but for the bowls this may be defined as a motive (with humans it could b...
Production: 2008
Two sperical bowls (from the Dancers series) have simple motorics and a bit more complex sensorics. They are susceptible to the sound they hear, but they also coproduce the sound (compressed microphony). This is why the bowls are full of sound. They can see each other (infrared sensor) and then they change direction. This should allow for the bowls to slowly zigzag closer to each other, which doesn’t really interests us anymore, but for the bowls this may be defined as a motive (with humans it could b...
Maja Smrekar - Brain TV (00:31:36)
Subtitle: rcv:10.95–11.7GHz,snd 5.8GHz
Production: Galerija Kapelica, Zavod K6/4, 2008
Brain TV je interaktivni tehnološko pogojeni projekt, ki je bil postavljen v Galeriji Kapelica. Predstavljen je na podlagi video dokumentacije. Brain TV deluje na frekvencah med 10.95 in 11.7 gigahercev. To pomeni, da zbira elektromagnetna valovanja iz vesolja, jih zajema prek radijskega sprejemnika ter nato skozi kompleksne vmesnike pretvarja v zvok in sliko. Ker so signali iz neskončnega univerzuma večinoma šibki in statični, je avtorica za vmesnik uporabila človeško telo oziroma možgane kot enega...
Subtitle: rcv:10.95–11.7GHz,snd 5.8GHz
Production: Galerija Kapelica, Zavod K6/4, 2008
Brain TV je interaktivni tehnološko pogojeni projekt, ki je bil postavljen v Galeriji Kapelica. Predstavljen je na podlagi video dokumentacije. Brain TV deluje na frekvencah med 10.95 in 11.7 gigahercev. To pomeni, da zbira elektromagnetna valovanja iz vesolja, jih zajema prek radijskega sprejemnika ter nato skozi kompleksne vmesnike pretvarja v zvok in sliko. Ker so signali iz neskončnega univerzuma večinoma šibki in statični, je avtorica za vmesnik uporabila človeško telo oziroma možgane kot enega...
Miha Vipotnik - Človek poslušanja (19:18)
Production: RTV Slovenija, 2008
Eksperimentalna video-zvočna kompozicija je portret komponista Bora Turela, enega najvidnejših slovenskih skladateljev eksperimentalne in elektroakustične glasbe. Avtor se prek dela skladatelja ukvarja z zvokom v povezavi in primerjavi s sliko, ga raziskuje in ugotavlja njegov pomen. Glasbena partitura postane del vizualizacije, kjer tekste, ki se izpisujejo po ekranu, animirajo vizualne senzacije raznih oblik in črkovnih sistemov. Ti neprestano proizvajajo in ustvarjajo nove anagrame, besede, mis...
Production: RTV Slovenija, 2008
Eksperimentalna video-zvočna kompozicija je portret komponista Bora Turela, enega najvidnejših slovenskih skladateljev eksperimentalne in elektroakustične glasbe. Avtor se prek dela skladatelja ukvarja z zvokom v povezavi in primerjavi s sliko, ga raziskuje in ugotavlja njegov pomen. Glasbena partitura postane del vizualizacije, kjer tekste, ki se izpisujejo po ekranu, animirajo vizualne senzacije raznih oblik in črkovnih sistemov. Ti neprestano proizvajajo in ustvarjajo nove anagrame, besede, mis...
Nataša Skušek - Feng Šuji (0:01:00)
Production: 2008
Video documents the cleaning o fan apartment with the help of Fen Shui method. The author presents a humours version of a cliché expression with a multiple meaning, which is firmly present in the western culture. The raw document of a performance is created without the usage of special effects and video techniques.
Production: 2008
Video documents the cleaning o fan apartment with the help of Fen Shui method. The author presents a humours version of a cliché expression with a multiple meaning, which is firmly present in the western culture. The raw document of a performance is created without the usage of special effects and video techniques.
Nataša Skušek - Vrt (00:00:20)
Subtitle: Počasna verzija
Production: 2008
The artist is placed in the place of a naked female model inside an impressionistic painting by Édouard Manet Luncheon on the Grass. Video collage is author's miniature emancipatory gesture fighting against the passive representation of women.
Subtitle: Počasna verzija
Production: 2008
The artist is placed in the place of a naked female model inside an impressionistic painting by Édouard Manet Luncheon on the Grass. Video collage is author's miniature emancipatory gesture fighting against the passive representation of women.
Sašo Podgoršek - Miss Right and Mr. Wrong (0:03:33)
Production: Dop Records / Menart, 2008
The work is a music video for a song Miss Right and Mr Wrong by Lollobrigida. Video mocks a rock cliché of a garage band and puts children in the roles of pop musicians playing in a garage too small to actually serve as a space for a rock band rehearsal. Due to the radical diminishing of the subject and their surroundings, the video becomes a parody of the aesthetics of the modern pop rock. The author creates the dynamics of the video with fast movements of the camera, different lightings and a broad repe...
Production: Dop Records / Menart, 2008
The work is a music video for a song Miss Right and Mr Wrong by Lollobrigida. Video mocks a rock cliché of a garage band and puts children in the roles of pop musicians playing in a garage too small to actually serve as a space for a rock band rehearsal. Due to the radical diminishing of the subject and their surroundings, the video becomes a parody of the aesthetics of the modern pop rock. The author creates the dynamics of the video with fast movements of the camera, different lightings and a broad repe...
Sašo Sedlaček - DIVA Studio (0:49:10)
Subtitle: Broadcast within the initiative for the establishment of an autonomuos mediatic zone Infocalypse Now!
Production: Aksioma - Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana; co-production: Kapelica Gallery, 2008
Sašo Sedlaček si je v okviru iniciative za ustanovitev medijske avtonomne cone, Infokalipsa zdaj!, prizadeval za sprostitev dela televizijskih FM valov v nekomercialne, kulturne oziroma umetniške namene. Iniciativo je leta 2008 predstavil v Projektni sobi SCCA (v okviru programa Brez žebljev in podstavkov), v Galeriji Kapelica pa je vzpostavil gverilski studio, v katerem je pripravljal oddaje z gosti. Med njimi je bila tudi Projektna skupina DIVA, ki pri SCCA-Ljubljana vodi fizični in splet...
Subtitle: Broadcast within the initiative for the establishment of an autonomuos mediatic zone Infocalypse Now!
Production: Aksioma - Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana; co-production: Kapelica Gallery, 2008
Sašo Sedlaček si je v okviru iniciative za ustanovitev medijske avtonomne cone, Infokalipsa zdaj!, prizadeval za sprostitev dela televizijskih FM valov v nekomercialne, kulturne oziroma umetniške namene. Iniciativo je leta 2008 predstavil v Projektni sobi SCCA (v okviru programa Brez žebljev in podstavkov), v Galeriji Kapelica pa je vzpostavil gverilski studio, v katerem je pripravljal oddaje z gosti. Med njimi je bila tudi Projektna skupina DIVA, ki pri SCCA-Ljubljana vodi fizični in splet...
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Innocence Disolved (0:01:30)
Production: Kanalya Pictures, 2008
Video is a documentation of a same named exhibition - installation, where two looped videos are projected on a window of a gallery and on a bed.
Production: Kanalya Pictures, 2008
Video is a documentation of a same named exhibition - installation, where two looped videos are projected on a window of a gallery and on a bed.