Jasna Hribernik - Tense Present: Šum fotonov / Tense Present: Photon Noise (00:01:18)
Production: White Balance, 2015
Photon Noise vzame za izhodišče simulacijo fizikalnega pojava, ki v optiki govori o občutljivosti senzorja, na katerega padajo fotoni in se spreminjajo v elektrone. V videu v tej simulaciji uporabim posnetek skupine migrantov, ki se pomika skozi slovensko pokrajino. In se vse bolj izgubljajo v fotonskem šumu.... Tense Present je serija video filmov, ki predstvljajo ustvarjalni odziv na temeljno občutenje časa v katerem živimo po »koncu zgodovine« oz. o stanju in pojavih v družb...
DIVA 2015
56 results in works
Sanela Jahić - Produktivna razmerja med človekom in strojem (00:54:49)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2015
Razstava in predstavitev instalacije intermedijske umetnice Sanele Jahić z naslovom Tempo Tempo, v katerem avtorica raziskuje razmerje med človekom in strojem v odnosu do delovne produktivnosti in časa. Instalacija je bila prvič razstavljena v okviru nominacij za nagrado skupine OHO v Galeriji P74 maja lani. Tempo Tempo sestavlja dvokanalni video in kinetični objekt - metronom, ki sproža električno iskro. Sanela Jahić obravnava družbo in posameznika v njej kot tehnološka orodja. V tem delu g...
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2015
Razstava in predstavitev instalacije intermedijske umetnice Sanele Jahić z naslovom Tempo Tempo, v katerem avtorica raziskuje razmerje med človekom in strojem v odnosu do delovne produktivnosti in časa. Instalacija je bila prvič razstavljena v okviru nominacij za nagrado skupine OHO v Galeriji P74 maja lani. Tempo Tempo sestavlja dvokanalni video in kinetični objekt - metronom, ki sproža električno iskro. Sanela Jahić obravnava družbo in posameznika v njej kot tehnološka orodja. V tem delu g...
Katjuša Kovačič - Njavke: Crossed-Eyed Gazes (00:14:53)
Production: 2015
Njavka je v slovanski mitologiji gozdno bitje ženskega spola. Predstavlja dušo deklice, ki je umrla nenaravne smrti. Njavke navadno živijo v skupinah globoko v gozdu ali v jamah, visoko v gorah. Dve njavki (performerki v animaličnem kostumu, ki posnema živalsko kožo, in v gibanju, ki je mešanica živalskega in človeškega) spremljamo v njunem naravnem, domačem okolju. Sledimo njunemu raziskovanju gozda: dotikamo se mahu na skalah, splazimo se v votlo drevesno deblo, ki je njun dom, oglašamo se...
Production: 2015
Njavka je v slovanski mitologiji gozdno bitje ženskega spola. Predstavlja dušo deklice, ki je umrla nenaravne smrti. Njavke navadno živijo v skupinah globoko v gozdu ali v jamah, visoko v gorah. Dve njavki (performerki v animaličnem kostumu, ki posnema živalsko kožo, in v gibanju, ki je mešanica živalskega in človeškega) spremljamo v njunem naravnem, domačem okolju. Sledimo njunemu raziskovanju gozda: dotikamo se mahu na skalah, splazimo se v votlo drevesno deblo, ki je njun dom, oglašamo se...
Ana Čigon - Remembering the Others (00:45:54)
Production: Ana Čigon, Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art, Prishtina - Kosovo, Mestna galerija Ljubljana, 2015
Remembering the Others is a documentary about the meaning and power of public monuments. In the film students, artists, theoreticians and activists from Prishtina, Kosovo talk about the meaning of monuments. Which people have the privilege to be represented in monuments? Why there are almost no monuments dedicated to women in Kosovo? Which other people (marginalized groups) and stories are excluded in such monuments? The film states that if the (hi)stories of marginalized groups are hushed, and the (hi)stor...
Production: Ana Čigon, Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art, Prishtina - Kosovo, Mestna galerija Ljubljana, 2015
Remembering the Others is a documentary about the meaning and power of public monuments. In the film students, artists, theoreticians and activists from Prishtina, Kosovo talk about the meaning of monuments. Which people have the privilege to be represented in monuments? Why there are almost no monuments dedicated to women in Kosovo? Which other people (marginalized groups) and stories are excluded in such monuments? The film states that if the (hi)stories of marginalized groups are hushed, and the (hi)stor...
Ana Čigon - OHOHO (00:01:30)
Production: Ana Čigon, 2015
Video se začne s posvetilom vsem organizatoricam in organizatorjem razstav, ki ne izplačujejo razstavnin. V ozadju se slišijo nerazločni glasovi različnih ljudi in blag ropot. Hrup spominja na zvoke z odprtja razstave. Posvetilo izgine, hrup se počasi poleže in v kader vstopi prst. Gledamo lutkovno predstavo, kjer gol kazalec, brez vseh rekvizitov, nadomešča lutko. Prvi nagovori druga dva in izkaže se, da gre za dirigenta in dva pevca tik pred nastopom. Po zvočnem znaku s taktirko sledi uvodni ug...
Production: Ana Čigon, 2015
Video se začne s posvetilom vsem organizatoricam in organizatorjem razstav, ki ne izplačujejo razstavnin. V ozadju se slišijo nerazločni glasovi različnih ljudi in blag ropot. Hrup spominja na zvoke z odprtja razstave. Posvetilo izgine, hrup se počasi poleže in v kader vstopi prst. Gledamo lutkovno predstavo, kjer gol kazalec, brez vseh rekvizitov, nadomešča lutko. Prvi nagovori druga dva in izkaže se, da gre za dirigenta in dva pevca tik pred nastopom. Po zvočnem znaku s taktirko sledi uvodni ug...
Katjuša Kovačič - Dynamic Balance (trailer) (00:54:30)
Production: 2015
A show of physical theatre exploring the ideas of Nikola Tesla from early 20th century, by skipping over differences the performers represent a live motor. The performers explore the co-dependence of mass and energy. They seek balance and apply various means of expression to their movement, ranging from contemporary dance, acrobatics, capoeira, Chinese dance, physical and street theatre. The interaction between opposites creates the force of the collective engine. The sound also comes from two sources: t...
Production: 2015
A show of physical theatre exploring the ideas of Nikola Tesla from early 20th century, by skipping over differences the performers represent a live motor. The performers explore the co-dependence of mass and energy. They seek balance and apply various means of expression to their movement, ranging from contemporary dance, acrobatics, capoeira, Chinese dance, physical and street theatre. The interaction between opposites creates the force of the collective engine. The sound also comes from two sources: t...
Yuliya Molina - Some-body (00:03:50)
Production: Zavod APIS, 2015
Video je nastal v okviru projekta kratkih filmov 'Equality in Focus' v produkciji Zavoda Apis. Projekt usposabljanja na področju družbeno angažirane video produkcije pod mentorstvom Romane Zajec je bil zasnovan z namenom preseganja stereotipov in krepitve vloge in moči migrantskih in romskih žensk. Ena od udeleženk je bila tudi umetnica Yuliya Molina. Video je posnet v tehniki stop-motion animacije, v njem nastopa avtorica in uporablja različne rekvizite, njen glas slišimo v ozadju. O...
Production: Zavod APIS, 2015
Video je nastal v okviru projekta kratkih filmov 'Equality in Focus' v produkciji Zavoda Apis. Projekt usposabljanja na področju družbeno angažirane video produkcije pod mentorstvom Romane Zajec je bil zasnovan z namenom preseganja stereotipov in krepitve vloge in moči migrantskih in romskih žensk. Ena od udeleženk je bila tudi umetnica Yuliya Molina. Video je posnet v tehniki stop-motion animacije, v njem nastopa avtorica in uporablja različne rekvizite, njen glas slišimo v ozadju. O...
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Night Spring (00:03:00)
Production: 2015
Night Spring as well as Wishing Well are video installations that show images of the human body's exterior and interior. They are beaming with variety of pains and pleasures and walk the line between the real and the imaginary. Beneath what appear to be natural processes and coloured reflections, a gradual transformation slowly plays out and puts the elements and body in a relation of new reciprocity by using various editing techniques. Two semi-abstract palpitating heart muscles are synchronised with...
Production: 2015
Night Spring as well as Wishing Well are video installations that show images of the human body's exterior and interior. They are beaming with variety of pains and pleasures and walk the line between the real and the imaginary. Beneath what appear to be natural processes and coloured reflections, a gradual transformation slowly plays out and puts the elements and body in a relation of new reciprocity by using various editing techniques. Two semi-abstract palpitating heart muscles are synchronised with...
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Wishing Well (00:03:00)
Production: 2015
Wishing Well as well as Night Spring, is video installations that show images of the human body's exterior and interior. They are beaming with variety of pains and pleasures and walk the line between the real and the imaginary. Beneath what appear to be natural processes and coloured reflections, a gradual transformation slowly plays out and puts the elements and body in a relation of new reciprocity by using various editing techniques. Two semi-abstract palpitating heart muscles are synchronised with...
Production: 2015
Wishing Well as well as Night Spring, is video installations that show images of the human body's exterior and interior. They are beaming with variety of pains and pleasures and walk the line between the real and the imaginary. Beneath what appear to be natural processes and coloured reflections, a gradual transformation slowly plays out and puts the elements and body in a relation of new reciprocity by using various editing techniques. Two semi-abstract palpitating heart muscles are synchronised with...
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Night Spring, Wishing Well (Venice) (00:01:29)
Production: 2015
Posnetek videoinstalacije na razstavi v Benetkah.
Production: 2015
Posnetek videoinstalacije na razstavi v Benetkah.