Uršula Berlot - Observatory: Magnetic Fluid (00:30)
Production: Uršula Berlot, 2014-2016
A miniature silver landscape in motion that can be viewed through the observation perforation in the surface of a cristal-like object is based on the photographs of magnetic fluids that served as the basis for digital model development and the resulting 3D printed reliefs. In the act of viewing the framed panorama in the static position, the viewer loses a sense of scale; the tiny spiked structures of the kinetic surface take on the appearance of the surface topography of some distant planet. Dematerialized...
DIVA 2016
72 results in works
Saša Spačal - Liminoid (00:08:08)
Production: Saša Spačal, Muzej sodobne umetnosti Metelkova - MSUM+, 2016
The video conceptually reflects on Liminoid, an artwork by Saša Spačal and Matic Potočnik.
Production: Saša Spačal, Muzej sodobne umetnosti Metelkova - MSUM+, 2016
The video conceptually reflects on Liminoid, an artwork by Saša Spačal and Matic Potočnik.
Saša Spačal - Mycophone_unison (00:14:27)
Production: Saša Spačal, Muzej sodobne umetnosti Metelkova - MSUM+, 2016
The video conceptually reflects on the work Mycophone_unison by Saša Spačal, Mirjan Švagelj and Anil Podgornik.
Production: Saša Spačal, Muzej sodobne umetnosti Metelkova - MSUM+, 2016
The video conceptually reflects on the work Mycophone_unison by Saša Spačal, Mirjan Švagelj and Anil Podgornik.
Zvonka T Simčič, Valérie Wolf Gang - Kombinat (trailer) (00:44:00 (trailer, 00:01:30))
Production: Zavod CCC & Zavod NOVI KOMBINAT, 2016
Female choir Kombinat is a group of women, which gathered on the 'Slovenian Day of resistance', 27th of April 2008 on the founding meeting in old factory Rog, Ljubljana, and decided that they will sing the worldwide songs of rebellion. Kombinat became a mascote of the Slovenian protests. They were singing with people and people sung with them. In this period a new song was made by Ksenija Jus, one of the members of Kombinat, called 'The rebellion song' and it became an anthem for Sloveni...
Production: Zavod CCC & Zavod NOVI KOMBINAT, 2016
Female choir Kombinat is a group of women, which gathered on the 'Slovenian Day of resistance', 27th of April 2008 on the founding meeting in old factory Rog, Ljubljana, and decided that they will sing the worldwide songs of rebellion. Kombinat became a mascote of the Slovenian protests. They were singing with people and people sung with them. In this period a new song was made by Ksenija Jus, one of the members of Kombinat, called 'The rebellion song' and it became an anthem for Sloveni...
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Crawlers (00.05.00-00.09.00 (00:04:21))
Production: Kanalya Pictures, 2016
Production: Kanalya Pictures, 2016
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Crawlers (Monfort, Portorož) (00:02:49)
Production: Obalne galerije Piran, 2016
Video instalacijo, narejeno posebej za prostor razstavišča Monfort v Portorožu, sestavlja sedem sinhroniziranih video projekcij s prizori človeških teles v gibanju, ki spominja na plazilce. Sledijo drug drugemu v skupnem ritmu, ki jih medsebojno povezuje in jih hkrati zliva z okoljem. Posnetki so deloma abstrahirani: telesa in ozadje se ploščijo v enotno gibljivo strukturo. Podobno kot drugi avtoričini projekti zadnjih let, ki se osredotočajo na avtentične izkušnje fizičnega obstoja, preizkušaj...
Production: Obalne galerije Piran, 2016
Video instalacijo, narejeno posebej za prostor razstavišča Monfort v Portorožu, sestavlja sedem sinhroniziranih video projekcij s prizori človeških teles v gibanju, ki spominja na plazilce. Sledijo drug drugemu v skupnem ritmu, ki jih medsebojno povezuje in jih hkrati zliva z okoljem. Posnetki so deloma abstrahirani: telesa in ozadje se ploščijo v enotno gibljivo strukturo. Podobno kot drugi avtoričini projekti zadnjih let, ki se osredotočajo na avtentične izkušnje fizičnega obstoja, preizkušaj...
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Untitled / Torso (00:03:15)
Subtitle: Black Waters and Other Stories (series)
Production: 2016
Video shows a back of a female torso, which moves against a black background. Isolated from the rest of the body, several layers of the torso travel over the screen and interact in a semi controlled manner. The fact that we are watching a human body is only revealed after a while, as the layering partially abstracts the moving images. The migration of layers creates a video collage, slowly shifting from figurative to abstract expressions and back. A strong organic and corporeal charge changes into an optica...
Subtitle: Black Waters and Other Stories (series)
Production: 2016
Video shows a back of a female torso, which moves against a black background. Isolated from the rest of the body, several layers of the torso travel over the screen and interact in a semi controlled manner. The fact that we are watching a human body is only revealed after a while, as the layering partially abstracts the moving images. The migration of layers creates a video collage, slowly shifting from figurative to abstract expressions and back. A strong organic and corporeal charge changes into an optica...
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Subsurface (00:04:57)
Production: 2016
A short video with no narrative structure.
Production: 2016
A short video with no narrative structure.
Prosenc Stearns, Nataša - Sunset (00:02:07)
Production: Kanalya Pictures, 2016
Video shows a back of a female torso, which moves against a black background. Isolated from the rest of the body, several layers of the torso travel over the screen and interact in a semi controlled manner. The fact that we are watching a human body is only revealed after a while, as the layering partially abstracts the moving images. The migration of layers creates a video collage, slowly shifting from figurative to abstract expressions and back. A strong organic and corporeal charge changes into an opti...
Production: Kanalya Pictures, 2016
Video shows a back of a female torso, which moves against a black background. Isolated from the rest of the body, several layers of the torso travel over the screen and interact in a semi controlled manner. The fact that we are watching a human body is only revealed after a while, as the layering partially abstracts the moving images. The migration of layers creates a video collage, slowly shifting from figurative to abstract expressions and back. A strong organic and corporeal charge changes into an opti...
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Black Waters (Ophelia) (00:06:19)
Subtitle: Black Waters and Other Stories (series)
Production: Nataša Prosenc Stearns, 2016
Video is a part of "Black Waters and Other Stories" series - short videos with no narrative structure.
Subtitle: Black Waters and Other Stories (series)
Production: Nataša Prosenc Stearns, 2016
Video is a part of "Black Waters and Other Stories" series - short videos with no narrative structure.