Barbara Borčić - From art in the urban context to fictional distopia (00:01:20)
Subtitle: Projected Visions
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, Apollonia, 2018
Projected Visions. From art in the urban context to fictional distopia (in frame of the project
Selection from SCCA-Ljubljana video archive DIVA Station
Curator: Barbara Borčić
Espace Apollonia / Apollonia, échanges artistiques européens,Strasbourg
27 January–25 February 2018
The exhibition consists of eighteen video works and one film, bound to the theme of urban and public space in their everyday dimension but also in its utopian and dystopic aspects.
Participating artis...
DIVA 2018
26 results in works
Nataša Prosenc Stearns - Hotel Diary (film trailer) (00:05:59 (00:00:25))
Production: Nataša Prosenc Stearns, 2018
A long forgotten encounter comes to life through fragments of real and imagined recollections. A chronicle of an affair, set in a deserted interiors of Los Angeles hotel (Nataša Prosenc Stearns).
Production: Nataša Prosenc Stearns, 2018
A long forgotten encounter comes to life through fragments of real and imagined recollections. A chronicle of an affair, set in a deserted interiors of Los Angeles hotel (Nataša Prosenc Stearns).
Christopher Krause - Faces and Structures
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2018
The essay was the basis for the performative lecture by Christopher Krause accompanied by the screening of selected video works (April 25, 2018, SCCA Project Room, Ljubljana). C. K. was then completing his postgraduate studies in theatrology at the Institute for Applied Theatrological Studies in Gießen, Germany. At SCCA-Ljubljana, he conducted a one-month study practice in April - he focused on researching the video and the new media archive of DIVA Station. As an object of his research, he chose the image...
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2018
The essay was the basis for the performative lecture by Christopher Krause accompanied by the screening of selected video works (April 25, 2018, SCCA Project Room, Ljubljana). C. K. was then completing his postgraduate studies in theatrology at the Institute for Applied Theatrological Studies in Gießen, Germany. At SCCA-Ljubljana, he conducted a one-month study practice in April - he focused on researching the video and the new media archive of DIVA Station. As an object of his research, he chose the image...
Neža Knez - Deus ex Machina (20:17)
Subtitle: Imag(in)e Ka-mi-ze
Production: N.K., 2018
Video je del projekta v nastajanju 'Deus ex Machina', ki ga Neža Knez dela v sodelovanju z vrtčevskimi otroki. Prosila jih je, naj opišejo in narišejo zanje najpomembnejše stvari in kako bo to izgledalo v prihodnosti. Iz posameznih opisov so skupaj sestavili eno podobo, ki so jo poimenovali "mašina, ki bo naredila boljši svet, mašina, ki nam bo pomagala." Na podlagi elementov, ki so jih izbrali otroci, je avtorica sestavila maketo robota. Video je dokumentacija us...
Subtitle: Imag(in)e Ka-mi-ze
Production: N.K., 2018
Video je del projekta v nastajanju 'Deus ex Machina', ki ga Neža Knez dela v sodelovanju z vrtčevskimi otroki. Prosila jih je, naj opišejo in narišejo zanje najpomembnejše stvari in kako bo to izgledalo v prihodnosti. Iz posameznih opisov so skupaj sestavili eno podobo, ki so jo poimenovali "mašina, ki bo naredila boljši svet, mašina, ki nam bo pomagala." Na podlagi elementov, ki so jih izbrali otroci, je avtorica sestavila maketo robota. Video je dokumentacija us...
Iva Tratnik, Andreja Džakušič, IvAn - Umetnik – birokrat (00:22:59)
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2018
Posnetek performansa Umetnik – birokrat tandema IvAn (Iva Tratnik in Andreja Džakušič), ki sta ga avtorici izvedli na odprtju razstave Zavihajmo rokave v Likovnem salonu Celje 8. maja 2018. Umetnici sta v performansu, ki sta ga napovedali kot mehanično zvočno-vizualni dogodek, obravnavali neizbežno in neprijetno delo, ki smo ga vsi prisiljeni namenjati vse bolj obsežnim birokratskim postopkom. Sledenje objavam v Uradnjem listu, prijavljanje na razpise, izpolnjevanje obrazcev je naporno, frustriraj...
Production: SCCA-Ljubljana, 2018
Posnetek performansa Umetnik – birokrat tandema IvAn (Iva Tratnik in Andreja Džakušič), ki sta ga avtorici izvedli na odprtju razstave Zavihajmo rokave v Likovnem salonu Celje 8. maja 2018. Umetnici sta v performansu, ki sta ga napovedali kot mehanično zvočno-vizualni dogodek, obravnavali neizbežno in neprijetno delo, ki smo ga vsi prisiljeni namenjati vse bolj obsežnim birokratskim postopkom. Sledenje objavam v Uradnjem listu, prijavljanje na razpise, izpolnjevanje obrazcev je naporno, frustriraj...
Neža Jurman - Pez Pushing Na klancu (00:03:47)
Production: Forum Ljubljana, 2018
Projekt 'Pez Pushing Na klancu' je vizualno zvočna predstavitev raziskovanja Cankarjevega klanca s skejt kitaro. Video je bil posnet v okolici Cankarjeve spominske hiše in Klanca na Vrhniki po predlogi kratkega romana Na klancu. Projekt se Cankarjeve zapuščine loteva s kritičnimi aluzijami na sodobni čas, pri čemer je eden osrednjih poudarkov namenjen seciranju položaja (sodobnega) umetnika v slovenski družbi, predvsem pa vrednotenja njega samega, kot tudi njegovega dela. Video je bil del prost...
Production: Forum Ljubljana, 2018
Projekt 'Pez Pushing Na klancu' je vizualno zvočna predstavitev raziskovanja Cankarjevega klanca s skejt kitaro. Video je bil posnet v okolici Cankarjeve spominske hiše in Klanca na Vrhniki po predlogi kratkega romana Na klancu. Projekt se Cankarjeve zapuščine loteva s kritičnimi aluzijami na sodobni čas, pri čemer je eden osrednjih poudarkov namenjen seciranju položaja (sodobnega) umetnika v slovenski družbi, predvsem pa vrednotenja njega samega, kot tudi njegovega dela. Video je bil del prost...
Keiko Miyazaki - What Is Your Fetish? (00:06:41)
Production: K.M., 2018
This video was shown in the Center of contemporary art, gallery Račka in Celje 2018 as a part of documentational material of the artwork. It is an interview documentary video. The interviewees are coming from different backgrounds and different generations, ages and genders. They are from Slovenia, Japan, and England. They are describing their sexual fetishes and fantasies. Their intimate stories are very personal and secretive. In the end the artist shows how fetish reviles a lot of personal background in...
Production: K.M., 2018
This video was shown in the Center of contemporary art, gallery Račka in Celje 2018 as a part of documentational material of the artwork. It is an interview documentary video. The interviewees are coming from different backgrounds and different generations, ages and genders. They are from Slovenia, Japan, and England. They are describing their sexual fetishes and fantasies. Their intimate stories are very personal and secretive. In the end the artist shows how fetish reviles a lot of personal background in...
Keiko Miyazaki - A Hole (00:01:58)
Production: K.M. & SCCA-Ljubljana, 2018
This video is about the Japanese concept of MA in conversation. Ma roughly means "gap", "space", "pause" or "the space between two structural parts." In our daily life we are experiencing MA either positively or in a negative way. MA is in the purposeful pauses in speech which make words stand out. We realise how much we are communicating with non verbal gestures. Sometime the silent moment between words speaks more than the words themselves. The video explores this concept by satirically portraying a conve...
Production: K.M. & SCCA-Ljubljana, 2018
This video is about the Japanese concept of MA in conversation. Ma roughly means "gap", "space", "pause" or "the space between two structural parts." In our daily life we are experiencing MA either positively or in a negative way. MA is in the purposeful pauses in speech which make words stand out. We realise how much we are communicating with non verbal gestures. Sometime the silent moment between words speaks more than the words themselves. The video explores this concept by satirically portraying a conve...
Danilo Milovanović - Cultivation (00:03:17)
Production: D.M. in Vstop prost, 2018
Simple street art intervention focuses on plants that have grown up from gaps or damages in architecture and streets. Due to their invasive nature they are usually automatically recognized as intruders among decorative plants shaped by people’s taste. However, we can notice them even in ordered urban areas at the spots we can just admire how they happened at. Through this intervention I played with term of cultivation followed by simple adaptation of these plants to form of ‘a nice green plant i...
Production: D.M. in Vstop prost, 2018
Simple street art intervention focuses on plants that have grown up from gaps or damages in architecture and streets. Due to their invasive nature they are usually automatically recognized as intruders among decorative plants shaped by people’s taste. However, we can notice them even in ordered urban areas at the spots we can just admire how they happened at. Through this intervention I played with term of cultivation followed by simple adaptation of these plants to form of ‘a nice green plant i...
Danilo Milovanović - Bitumenography (00:02:16)
Production: 2018
Video documentation of an intervention in a public space. The artist made a large-scale graphic print from a bitumen-coated street surface. He selected the surface from bitumen as an illustration of the presence of a heavy industry on which the city of Katowice developed.The print is entitled: KATOWICE 50° 15' 26.6112'' N 19° 1' 26.5008'' E, 140 x 160 cm, Acrylic on canvas / Bitumenography, 2018.
Production: 2018
Video documentation of an intervention in a public space. The artist made a large-scale graphic print from a bitumen-coated street surface. He selected the surface from bitumen as an illustration of the presence of a heavy industry on which the city of Katowice developed.The print is entitled: KATOWICE 50° 15' 26.6112'' N 19° 1' 26.5008'' E, 140 x 160 cm, Acrylic on canvas / Bitumenography, 2018.