The DIVA News page refers to public presentations, exhibitions, screenings, publications in Slovenia and on the international scene, connected to participations of DIVA Station Video Archive and the video artists who had contributed their video artworks to the archive. We also introduce events organised by DIVA Station (SCCA-Ljubljana) in order to promote its content and usage.
June 8, 2013, at 5pm, Salon of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade, Pariska ul. 12, Belgrade. The exhibition presents as well the video So Young included into the DIVA Station archive. A compilation of the Borghesia video clips (So Young, The Wild Bunch, He, Too Much Tension, Cindy, A.R., ZMR) was issued in 1985 as the first video cassette by the FV Label. These are short, almost "film-like" stories focused primarily on the iconography of the body in urban surroundings. One of the clips presents a pioneer use of computer graphics.” (Videodokument)At the Salon of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade the exhibition entitled Video, Televison, Anticipation will be on view from June 7 until July 14. The exhibition is curated by Branka Benčić and Aleksandra Sekulić.
V knjižnici SCCA med drugim zbiramo študijski material, ki je osredotočen na teoretsko in praktično obravnavo video medija, pa tudi novih medijev in filma. Knjižnica je od maja letos bogatejša za izbor desetih publikacij, ki nam jih je podarila Slovenska kinoteka.
Premiera 20. marca 2013 Društvo prijateljev zmernega napredka & MKSMC (Mladinski, kulturni, socialni, multimedijski in medgeneracijski center), Gregorčičeva 4, Koper. S programom želimo pokazati kar se da heterokliten izbor videov, ki prikazujejo, da so se osemdeseta leta ukvarjala s problemi, ki so podobni današnjim. Ljudje so se borili z ekološkimi izzivi, soočali so se s stanovanjskimi zagatami, pri tem pa so našli čas tudi za razmišljanje o modi in produkciji lepih video del.
Predstavitev in video projekcije, sreda, 20. 3. 2013, ob 18. uri v prostorih Društva prijateljev zmernega napredka & MKSMC (Mladinski, kulturni, socialni, multimedijski in medgeneracijski center), Gregorčičeva 4, Koper. Sodelavci SCCA, Barbara Borčić, Dušan Dovč, Ida Hiršenfelder in Saša Nabergoj, smo za dogodek pripravili program predstavitev in projekcij. Najprej bomo predstavili tri programske sklope: šolo za kustose in kritike Svet umetnosti, podporni spletni portal Artservis in Postajo DIVA, pionirski model ohranjanje slovenske sodobne umetniške video in novomedijske produkcije.
In her presentation, Nataša Skušek is going to focus on artistic works (videos, photography) touching upon feminist topics. We also cannot bypass her exhibition, entitled Mamica, dojilja, žena, negovalka (Mother, breastfeeder, wife, carer) at the Centre and Gallery P74 in 2006, in which she thematizes women’s incapability of fulfilling numerous social roles ascribed to them. Videoinstallation and artist talk March 7th, 2012 at 8 pm at SCCA Project Room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana The videoinstallation will be on view also on March 8th between 10am and 5pm.
In the context of that exhibition, she screened the video Fliperautomat, which is a humorous way of the representation of four activities considered to be taken on by women in a taken-for-granted way. In this video, a woman is a ball in the pinball machine, jumping between the roles of a mother, wife, breastfeeder and carer. Her artistic work is strongly related to her own life – in it, she also warns against the disappearance of the female artist. In her work Ekstaza (Extasis), she exposes the myth of a wonderful motherhood and emphasizes the mother’s self-effacement. Whereas in the popular media breastfeeding is represented as a gentle act, her video shows the artist herself making painful facial expressions in the act of breastfeeding. Her message is that babies being breastfed are not gentle beings and that breastfeeding mothers often suffer from the inflammation of the breast tissue. Other works may be also watched in a sellection of her videos kept by Digital Video Archive DIVA Station at SCCA-Ljubljana. After the lecture, the audience will have an opportunity to have a quick look at her exhibition Pravi moški (A Real man) in Galerija Alkatraz in 2014. Video installation with two videos, Golica and Heri, set one opposite to the other, is a caricature of the contrast of male and female roles in the society. Golica is one of the songs belonging to the genre of national music; in the video, the artist dances to this song. In front of her is a female torso, moving her butt according to the male viewer’s whistling rhythm. The video Heri shows the process of making a braid out of a male ear. Its message is that women were supposed to be pleasing men, while men are the ones who were supposed to be nurtured and accepted the way they are. The exhibition in Galerija Alkatraz (Alkatraz Gallery) tackles socially prescribed outlook and behaviour of men, their feelings, and their perceptions of their female partners. With an example, it shows what a real man actually looks like, and how far (luckily) he is from the perfect image ascribed to him. The artist also holds a bitter-sweet surprise for the exhibition opening – fortune cookies with notes foreseeing, not the future, but the present, including chauvinistic sayings, being angrily collected by the artist for years.
Production 14. festivala Rdeče zore: KUD Mreža
Co-production: Zavod za sodobno umetnost SCCA-Ljubljana
Video Turn: Opening on Tuesday, 13th of November 2012 at 8 pm (13.–29. 11. 2012) Vžigalica Gallery, Trg franc. revolucije 7, Ljubljana. With the research and exhibition project Video Turn we wish to investigate and present the experimental (video, multi-disciplinary, new media) art practice and thereby also actualize the DIVA Station video archive, on the basis of which our research has initially begun. What is then the experimental and structural practice within a certain medium or within particular means of expression? What demonstrates creative and experimental use of technology?
DIVA Station gradually updates the archival materials and gathers new attributions. Recently we've also started making an inventory of our own video production. Among other materials, this also encludes Video Essays edited and directed by our collaborator Nika Grabar who regularly documents DIVA's "off-line" projects, educational programmes and international seminars. In the essays she had presented the making of an archive from an entirely different point of view in the form of video essay with en exquisit sense for moving pictures and video narration.
For 19th Anniversary of AKC Metelkova City a hosting curator at SCCA-Ljubljana Sixtine Rose Boyer prepared a video program about the alternative art scene, Metelkova and its forerunners. Sixtine Rose Boyer is currently working as a volunteer at the DIVA Station material and on-line archive of video art. Simultaneously, she is a postgraduate student of Triple Master Degree (Medias, Culture and Communication) at University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, Europa-Universität Vidarina of Frankfurt an der Oder and University St Kliment Ohridski of Sofia.The starting point of her thesis is the exploration of so-called Dark Culture (i.e. Gothic, New Dark and Cold Wave, Punk, Hard Core) in Slovenia and more specifically in Ljubljana from the beginning of the 80s till today. Predominantly, she is researching the role of groups and movements like FV Group, Borghesia, Laibach and AKC Metelkova City.
DIVA Station is a physical and web archive of video art, developed at SCCA since 2005 with the intent to research, document, present and archive video/media art. By now, it contains more then 1.000 items of different materials. The notable 1.000 entry in the archive is a video performance Wear VIII produced in 2010 by Tomaž Furlan. The artist has been working on his sculptural and video project in progress Wear, since 2006. He says that Wear is "some sort of a critical reflection on the use of interactive works or, as it were, sculpture, which have emerged as extended body applications in a constrained process".
Mednarodni festival digitalne umetnosti in novih medijev, Atene. 18.-20. 5. 2012 V okviru osme edicije mednarodnega festival digitalne umetnosti in novih medijev v Atenah se bo kot del programa predstavljanja zgodovine medijske umetnosti predstavil tudi portal GAMA – Gateway to Archives of Media Art, ki združuje osem evropskih video arhivov in predstavlja več kot 10.000 video del. Platformo bo predstavila kustosinja Eva Kozma iz madžarskega centra za kulturo in komunikacijo – C3 iz Budimpešte. Po predavanju bo publiki prikazala izbor osmih del iz arhivov. Postajo DIVA bo predstavil video Repeating Coincidence (Ponavljajoče naključje) umetnice Maje Smrekar iz leta 2009.